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Lakestar019 [招聘·企业相关] Lakestar recruitment
Lakestar Advisors GmbH Customer Service Specialist Lakestar is one of Europe's leading venture capital firms, investing in technology companies led by outstanding entrepreneurs. The team's early stage investments include Skype, Spotify, Facebook and airbnb. since raising its first fund in 2013, Lakestar has managed three early stage funds totaling over €1 billion and most recently a growth fund. The firm has expanded and broadened its portfolio with investments in companies such as Opendoor, Oscar, Getyourguide, Glovo, Sendder, Eigen, FiveAI, Revolut and Hometogo. lakestar has offices in Berlin, Zurich and London This is a rare opportunity for someone who wants to explore the European technology ecosystem and state-of-the-art marketing programs with the venture capital sector. Company benefits: transportation allowance + food allowance + communication allowance + year-end bonus + medical allowance regular medical check-ups + insurance + one publicly funded trip to Europe per year Job Description 1. assist in improving the administrative process and management; complete the writing tasks of various notices, reports, minutes of meetings, research and other administrative documents as required. 2. assist in improving human resource management, tracking human resource plans and reasonable deployment; assist in personnel payroll management 3. cooperate with the department to do a good job of data analysis, maintenance management and secondary development of stock customers; assist the department to do a good job of on-site consultation and service work of the customers at the counter. 4. complete other daily affairs as explained by the leadership. Job requirements. 1, bachelor degree or above, majoring in finance, human resources, administration, computer, and other related majors, cheerful personality. 3、Strong communication, coordination and organizational skills, with a high degree of execution, accurate judgment, superb adaptability. 4, dedication and love for work, strong sense of responsibility, conscientious and meticulous, with a good spirit of collaboration. 5、Be able to adapt to the high-intensity work pace of the financial industry and accept overtime arrangements. Contact: lakestar 142 @gmail.com
最后发表: Lakestar019@ 2021-11-27 13:01 724 0 2021-11-27
陈小美 [招聘·其它] Lakestar Advisors GmbH
Lakestar Advisors GmbH Marketing manager 3-5 years of experience in venture capital companies, regardless of gender, bachelor degree or above, age 35-55 Salary: Annual salary of KRW 100 million to KRW 150 million (year-end equity dividends can be obtained based on the annual performance) Company benefits: transportation subsidy + catering subsidy + communication subsidy + year-end bonus + medical subsidy for regular physical examination + insurance + one European trip at public expense every year Job Requirements: 1. Have the ability to independently explore the market and the ability to withstand pressure, and have the industry chain and channel customer resources preferred 2. Economics, finance, law and other related majors, bachelor degree or above 3. Strong affinity, good patient listening and strong understanding ability, meticulous work; able to withstand work pressure, have good psychological quality 4. Possess solid financial expertise, familiar with relevant laws, regulations and policies of the industry, and love the venture capital industry 5. Able to accept and obey the company's leadership arrangements and job transfers 6. Understand the company's commonly used software and platforms, have a certain understanding of the use and operation of the software, and be familiar with the company's main business Lakestar is one of Europe's leading venture capital companies, investing in technology companies led by outstanding entrepreneurs. The team's early investments include Skype, Spotify, Facebook and airbnb. Since raising the first fund in 2013, Lakestar has managed three early-stage funds with a total size of more than 1 billion euros, and recently also managed a growth fund. The company expanded and expanded its portfolio and invested in companies such as Opendoor, Oscar, Getyourguide, Glovo, Sendder, Eigen, FiveAI, Revolut, and Hometogo. Lakestar has offices in Berlin, Zurich and London, and then Lakestar will enter Asia As the marketing manager of Lakestar's Korean office, your main task is to report to our chief communications officer, and you will support communications activities by helping to produce and distribute content on social media, newsletters, websites, etc. You will work closely with our international marketing team in Korea. This is a rare opportunity for anyone who wants to explore the European technology ecosystem and state-of-the-art marketing plan with the venture capital department. Lakestar is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. Contact: lakestar 2021 @gmail. com
最后发表: 陈小美@ 2021-11-27 12:57 569 0 2021-11-27
quickbase98 [招聘·企业相关] 高薪招聘
职位描述投资顾问助理 薪资待遇:45600欧元/年 岗位职责: 1、服务营业部存量客户,指导客户进行合理的资产配置,金融产品销售,客户资产归集, 2、匹配团队人员协助渠道展业, 3、利用公司的优势和个人专业知识服务好营业部高净值客户。 4、要求本科学历,有券商工作经验者优先考虑 5、工资待遇丰厚,五险一金,奖励提成高,公司还定期团建旅游,带薪休假, 内部晋升空间大,办公环境优美, 适合有追求有上进心的人员加入。 岗位要求: 1、本科学历及以上 2、热爱证券行业,愿意从事证券业务 3、具备证券从业资格证,同时具有基金从业资格证者优先。 岗位优势: 1、公司有内部完善的培训系统,员工学习机会众多, 侧重员工综合发展能力素质培养, 2、员工晋升空间大,职业发展通道畅通,有良好员工成长氛围,能者多劳多得, 鼓励员工个性化发展, 3、薪资待遇优于同行,五险一金,带薪休假,各种工会福利应有尽有, 旅游团建内容丰富多彩。 4、平台成长速度快,高效。 公司介绍 公司简介: QuickBase是一家基于区块链共享式云计算服务商,是美国区块链技术和产业发展论坛首批成员单位。 QuickBase科技的“蜂巢链”是基于区块链共享式云计算平台,为客户提供可扩展,安全, 易于访问的共享式计算资源、数据集和分布式云服务。为客户搭建私有区块链环境, 帮助IDC实现区块链 云服务,提供区块链的行业解决方案。 客户群体包括不限于:互联网基础服务的云计算、IDC、CDN、DNS、银行、保险、 农业、游戏、娱乐等不同行业。 QuickBase科技2016年12月份已经完成天使轮,年底进行了A轮。 有意者请将简历发送邮箱(请标注姓名与联系方式)至: q u i c k b a s e 9 8 @ g m a i l.c o m
最后发表: quickbase98@ 2021-11-27 12:39 704 0 2021-11-27
elizatjv [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 快餐店诚请厨师和收银,全职和兼职均可
最后发表: elizatjv@ 2021-11-27 11:26 584 0 2021-11-27
maysia [招聘·企业相关] 餐館/離南岸二十六分鐘
離南岸二十六分鐘招請全職或週末炒鑊 。請電514-299-8631
最后发表: maysia@ 2021-11-27 11:08 594 0 2021-11-27
香妈妈东北菜 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招聘
最后发表: 香妈妈东北菜@ 2021-11-27 10:09 673 0 2021-11-27
Longhope [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 1751, sushi shop fleury.招聘包卷。
1751,sushi shop fleury 招聘包卷,有意者请联系438-9980166。
最后发表: Longhope@ 2021-11-27 09:31 1186 14 2021-11-14
Quickbase06 [招聘·企业相关] 欢迎你的加入
市场策划3-5年市场策划从业经验 男女不限 本科以上学历 年龄35-55岁 薪水:年薪8万美金-10万美金 公司福利:交通补贴+餐饮补贴+通讯补贴+年终奖金+医疗补贴+保险+每年一次公费欧洲旅行 岗位职责:1、根据公司发展战略,制定公司互联网平台市场营销策略和规划,包括行业和竞争分析、市场和用户研究、品牌定位和核心用户利益点梳理、获客管理等;2、结合产品和运营,制定公司互联网平台的市场推广计划和项目方案,涵盖渠道推广、互动营销、公关、广告、品牌设计、品牌内容营销、行业合作、效果营销等营销手段,通过策划、组织并执行各类品牌和市场活动,来打造互联网平台的品牌知名度、偏好度并发展用户;3、负责日常市场项目目标设定,分解及市场推广效果的统计分析、评估、调整和优化;4、拓展和维护商务社交领域的合作伙伴关系,与相关机构建立良性合作;5、通过与运营,产品等部门合作,建立并拓展公司互联网平台的营销解决方案,开发并承接推广需求,对营销推广项目规划、执行与跟踪。 岗位要求:1、3年以上相关工作经验,熟悉互联网、金融、区块链市场管理者优先;2、熟悉互联网平台市场营销、品牌推广运作,具有出色的获客管理、品牌营销及整合传播技巧;3、具有敏感的商业和市场意识,较高的分析问题及解决问题的能力,具有优秀的资源整合能力和业务推进能力;4、具备良好的沟通合作技巧及丰富的团队建设经验。 有意者请将简历发送邮箱(请标注姓名与联系方式)至: Quickbase06@gmail.com 我们将尽快与您联系。期待您的加入!
最后发表: Quickbase06@ 2021-11-27 09:01 636 0 2021-11-25
79167840@qq.com [招聘·各类家政] 好口碑就在家管家专业清洁服务 attach_img
您是否还在寻找靠谱的清洁服务公司?您是否面对着杂乱的广告无从下手?不如选择正规注册公司,一键获取高质量靠谱的服务! 如果您: [*]因没有时间和精力处理家务问题而倍感焦虑, [*]为顽固污渍不知如何清洁而感到苦恼, [*]因家居环境不够整洁而烦躁, [*]讨厌厨房灶台布满油渍影响食欲, [*]请朋友来做客之前需要打扫, [*]Party之后还要收拾战场, 不用担心~ 家美●家管家帮您全部解决! 【我们的服务类型】 [*]家居定期清洁; [*]留学生租房清洁; [*]退房及入住清洁; [*]商业清洁; [*]搬家前及装修后清洁; [*]为家庭旅馆及Airbnb提供优质高效的清洁服务。 ​高品质的服务水准,优惠的价格,是您省心省力的高性价比选择!家政服务请添加微信 angelia_jxf,或致电 438-927-0826
最后发表: jane_huo@ 2021-11-27 08:09 1117 1 2021-11-26
maggiesushishop [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 寿司店包卷工
市区寿司店聘请有经验包卷工,全职半职都可以,要上晚班和周末, 近地铁,有意者联系514-839-3288
最后发表: maggiesushishop@ 2021-11-27 07:48 1814 0 2021-11-27
招聘专用 [招聘·企业相关] 高薪聘请晚班仓库员工 16.5/H+30/天(疫情补助)
工作时间:4:00pm_12:00pm 周一到周五 工作地点: 西岛 薪 资:16.5/H+30$/day 工作内容:根据订单去仓库取货处理退货,贴标签,扫码等。BI_weekly pay 支付方式灵活 联系电话:514_993_3396
最后发表: 招聘专用@ 2021-11-27 05:29 1566 15 2021-9-27
ningjing3536 [招聘·其它] 时间自由 简单易操作 可居家办公
工作时间自由 可居家办公 会操作电脑 会简单英语 负责任,有耐心 工作轻松易做 有教程及本人协助 V:991670663
最后发表: ningjing3536@ 2021-11-27 03:20 843 1 2021-10-22
Maibonneheur [招聘·餐饮/服务业] Chercher livreues
4201Rosemont 514 7272895
最后发表: Maibonneheur@ 2021-11-27 03:10 586 0 2021-11-27
umsromeo [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 找阿姨打扫房子卫生
如题 想找一位阿姨打扫卫生 包括收拾卫生间 拖地等日常清洁工作 地点在cote st luc区 有意者请与我联系 电话 438 七二五 九668 谢谢!
最后发表: umsromeo@ 2021-11-26 23:28 1101 2 2021-11-24
blueevenyang [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 寿司店请人
DT寿司自助请全职,兼职包卷工,杂工,能上周末,有经验者优先,无语言要求 联系方式:5144305155 ,早10点—晚10点,请尽量短信联系,谢谢
最后发表: blueevenyang@ 2021-11-26 23:25 1825 13 2021-6-13
Linda的港湾 [招聘·企业相关] 招橱柜安装助理
要求对木工有兴趣,吃苦耐劳,能提重物,家住monk, Angrignon附近优先。有意联系 手机:4388776528 微信: yy68316829
最后发表: Linda的港湾@ 2021-11-26 21:05 693 0 2021-11-26
Zoe123 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] KirKland连锁餐馆招工
招聘full-time或part-time收银 需要流利英语或法语 需要工卡 有经验者优先 详情请用电活或email联系我,并留下你可工作的时间 联系方式: (514) 979-0681 曹先生 Kwokpancho@gmail.com
最后发表: Zoe123@ 2021-11-26 20:12 744 0 2021-11-25
瑶瑶瑶 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街花店招聘全职/兼职销售代表
唐人街花店L‘Atelier Floral(LAF)即将开业,现招聘销售代表。 公司介绍: LAF 第一家概念店即将开业,店内装修的别致优雅,为客人提供的花艺服务(也给客人提供花茎、鲜花来制作花束)客人可以在店内尽情的发挥自己的灵感;店内也同时也出售文具、贺卡和礼品。 工作内容: 给客人推荐符合客人要求item, 管理并准备客人订单, 库存清点与管理, 帮助公司提高品牌形象, 保持店面整洁干净,以及维护调整店内陈设。 职位要求: 流利的英语和法语(书写以及口语) 会说中文或粤语(an asset ) 良好的零售经验和解决问题的能力 态度积极有工作热情 有责任心上进心 社交平台(Facebook, instagram,wechat,Linkedin等)的使用(an asset ) 薪资水平:起薪15$/小时,根据应聘者经验。 工作时间:周二至周六 请将您的简历发送至:info@latelierfloral.ca
最后发表: 瑶瑶瑶@ 2021-11-26 19:22 745 0 2021-11-26
魔王大人 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] plateau mont royal 餐馆招服务员
plateau mont royal餐馆招聘服务员 需要英法语流利,有工卡 工作时间:(灵活可调整) 11:30-15:30或者16:30-21:00 联系电话5146908781 http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211122/1637623984822120327.jpg
最后发表: 魔王大人@ 2021-11-26 17:25 878 1 2021-11-22
蒙百克教育 [招聘·其它] 【蒙百克教育服务中心】招聘雅思考前班授课老师!线上授课!
[蒙百克教育服务中心]诚聘有经验的英语雅思考前班老师!线上授课! 【岗位职责】 1、负责英语授课(雅思考前冲刺班)以及制定教案和课程计划; 2、在授课期间,需要定期检测学生学习效果; 3、按时完成学校安排的课程,课前制定学生教学计划; 【任职要求】 1、学历不限,专业不限,法语相关专业或师范类专业或有留法背景优先; 2、对于英语基础知识及雅思,托福各类法语考试有一定的教学经验; 3、性格开朗活泼、责任心强、热爱教育行业; 4、法语功底扎实,口语流利,发音标准; 5、学习能力较强,不断提升自己的授课水平; 6、有相关工作经验者优先。 http://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/201805/22/113934nx7di5cvs7f0sc7x.jpg 150357cz8fcpgcyk8myfyg.jpg (21.24 KB, 下载次数: 0) 下载附件 2018-5-22 12:39 上传 有意者请发C.V至 edu.monbec@gmail.com或添加[蒙百克教育服务中心]微信号了解详情 微信: Doer_mm
最后发表: 蒙百克教育@ 2021-11-26 17:15 1878 1 2019-4-9

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