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萌村小白 [招聘·企业相关] NDG寿司店诚招 熟练包卷工。寿司师傅,收银。
NDG寿司店诚招 熟练包卷工。寿司师傅,收银。须工卡,现金勿扰。 联系电话: 514.578.8123
最后发表: 萌村小白@ 2022-4-15 00:24 541 0 2022-4-15
joycekairos [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招騁熟手雜碎,寿司师傅
最后发表: joycekairos@ 2022-4-14 22:26 841 0 2022-4-14
wei66wei88 [招聘·各类家政] 绘画网课
最后发表: wei66wei88@ 2022-4-14 21:35 715 0 2022-4-14
加德学院 [招聘·其它] 市中心老牌语言学校招课程顾问和课程协调员
蒙特利尔加德学院因市场扩张,现诚聘以下职位: 课程顾问(全职) 工作职责: 1. 根据学生需求,为学生推荐并规划相关课程 2. 为学生安排入读所报名课程及相关事宜3. 为学校开拓新中介,为中介的学生推荐并规划学习课程 4. 维护自己开拓出来的中介 岗位要求:   1. 流利的中、英文,有留法经验和会法语者优先录取,会流利英语者亦可 2. 有从事教育行业或市场拓展相关经验者优先录取 3. 对待学员以及中介有耐心与责任心,提供细心的指导并答疑 4. 出色的沟通能力和语言表达能力,工作认真、负责 5. 工作有条理,能按任务的分配轻重出色完成各项工作 课程协调员(全职) 工作职责: 1. 根据学校报名情况,为已报名学生安排相关课程 2. 平时与老师沟通上课和学生情况,及时处理学生或老师提出的问题3. 跟进学生续课情况 4. 定期旁听和检查老师上课情况 岗位要求:   1. 流利的中、法文(需要和外教进行沟通) 2. 有从事教育行业相关经验者优先录取 3. 对待学员以有耐心与责任心,提供细心的指导并答疑 4. 出色的沟通能力和语言表达能力,工作认真、负责 5. 工作有条理,能按任务的分配轻重出色完成各项工作 (发送简历至 hr@collegejade.com , 请标明应聘“职位”以及信息来源“蒙城汇”)
最后发表: 加德学院@ 2022-4-14 21:35 1143 2 2022-4-11
tnt100 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] BERRI-UQAM地铁站快餐店招早班寿司包卷工,无语言要求
BERRI-UQAM地铁站快餐店招早班寿司包卷工,要求周末能上班,无语言要求,要求有经验,勤快长期干。 可以转为全职, 工作时间为早上八点到下午。 有兴趣联系SCOTT, 5146528801。
最后发表: tnt100@ 2022-4-14 21:16 534 0 2022-4-14
jimmywzh [招聘·餐饮/服务业] KTV招聘全职、兼职服务员
KTV招聘全职、兼职服務员,條件:完全接种疫苗,英語或法語流利。上班時間:日班:15:00–20:00。 夜班:20:00–03:00。待遇:底薪加小費$20起。工作地點:1695 Boul. De Maisonneuve O. 聯系方式:發送短信至5146326787。或發送簡歷至:lemicktv@gmail.com。
最后发表: jimmywzh@ 2022-4-14 19:52 687 0 2022-4-14
冯龙Lucy [招聘·企业相关] 招聘 新人帖
#蒙特利尔分公司招聘会 进入一个行业不是每家公司都会让你成功 给你的平台更大,你的机会也更多 来吧,加入我们,给自己一个机会 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220414/1649977861979720131.jpg
最后发表: 冯龙Lucy@ 2022-4-14 19:11 604 0 2022-4-14
poree1234 [招聘·其它] 招聘游戏操作员,工作简单,易上手! 新人帖
公司简介: Denmark Games是一家提供全方位服务的电子游戏开发商。我们成立于2012年10月,成功聚集了行业内最优秀的人才。自成立以来,我们已经收到了几轮金融投资,最近一次是在2021年10月收到的。我们公司“Goldminer Online”新开发的游戏正在美国发行。在推广期间,游戏玩家和游戏营销机构可获得高额奖金。现在就来加入我们吧。公司网址:www.dermagamebox.com 福利待遇:10-30刀每小时,奖金提成制,薪资日结,新人带薪培训, 工作内容:熟悉公司游戏,通过线上进行游戏推广,招募操作手,一对一教学,操作简单,很容易上手,认真学习1-2天即可简单工作,待遇优厚,适合很多人群,成手后日薪可,兼职工作,不耽误正常工作,学习,生活。 工作要求: 年龄18周岁以上,男女不限。性格外向,擅长社交者优先。熟练操作手机电脑以及聊天软件,有一定的游戏理解能力。会中文的读写能力,能用中文进行基本的沟通交流。工作认真负责,热爱互联网工作。 如对本职位感兴趣vx:LIUOVE123
最后发表: poree1234@ 2022-4-14 18:54 1008 1 2022-4-14
cmj [我要求职] 求职
最后发表: cmj@ 2022-4-14 18:25 1377 4 2022-3-3
lxyleo [招聘·企业相关] 市中心招聘洗碗工和帮厨
最后发表: lxyleo@ 2022-4-14 16:37 866 0 2022-4-11
洋葱妞 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招聘按摩师
最后发表: 洋葱妞@ 2022-4-14 16:35 876 0 2022-4-14
super [招聘·其它] Naruto St-Lazare店  ...2
Sushi Naruto 现招新人 需长期稳定上班 寿司吧 后厨 前台打包收银 (需中英法) 需工卡 地点:2673 Côte Saint-Charles, Saint-Lazare 有意者联系微信:superrrrr_bc https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220224/1645727229341976507.jpg
最后发表: super@ 2022-4-14 16:31 2135 28 2022-2-24
teamHRca [招聘·企业相关] 诚招宝妈兼职3名,加拿大最top经理亲自培训成为理财顾问!
保险基金理财证书LLQP~通过考试就可以挂牌成为理财顾问啦! 我们团队里一些宝妈在带孩子之余,努力学习工作,现在已经是年入十几万的水平啦! 拿到证书可以给客户做基金投资、保险、BMO的房贷refer等许多业务。 真的,真的完全不影响带孩子! 免费的考试辅导、产品培训、营销培训到成交 全加拿大最top的经理会直接带你 只要你愿意用心学、认真干, 你一定会拥有自己的事业! 如果你想要这个机会,赶快加微信:camille9808 名额有限,仅招募三名,希望想要拥有自己事业的宝妈,不要错过机会哦!
最后发表: teamHRca@ 2022-4-14 16:30 727 0 2022-4-14
Anna1127 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 东区近地铁诚聘寿司师傅
近Beaubien 地铁寿司店招包卷师傅,需要有经验,懂简单的法语。工作时间是周六和周日。工作环境好,期待您的加入。有意者电话联系514-690-8689。如未及时接听,请短信联系我会尽快回复的
最后发表: 傻胖丑矮穷@ 2022-4-14 15:56 964 1 2022-4-14
wddwdd99 [招聘·各类家教] 绘画网课
最后发表: wddwdd99@ 2022-4-14 13:29 689 0 2022-4-14
AvaZhang [招聘·各类家政] 清洁卫生人员
Motel le Charentais 招聘清洁卫生人员,待遇面谈,可打电话 514-998-0826
最后发表: AvaZhang@ 2022-4-14 12:13 942 0 2022-4-14
AvaZhang [招聘·其它] Motel招管理人员
离蒙城半小时车程Motel招管理人员,可提供住宿(个人或家庭都可以), 待遇面谈。电话:514-998-0826
最后发表: AvaZhang@ 2022-4-14 12:10 1124 5 2022-3-28
Jolie-Liu [招聘·企业相关] 长期招聘按摩师及前台和私人助理
高端私人工作室因业务繁忙,现聘按摩理疗师年纪40岁以下、气质好、有经验优先,没经验可免费培训,会简单英语法语,店内客人素质高,30到35+高小费,适合留学生,新移民过度初来加国生活。本工作室环境舒适优雅,干净整洁,离地铁站Loinel Groulx 1分钟 ,地铁站Namur 步行5分钟,期待你的加入。 另招聘前台助理16$+提成 电话438 927 6377 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220414/1649950449257006663.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220414/1649950449465966615.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220414/164995044968084498.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220414/1649950512097317974.jpg
最后发表: Jolie-Liu@ 2022-4-14 11:35 807 0 2022-4-14
shopper+ [招聘·企业相关] Shopper+ 诚聘销售代表
Shopperplus is an e-commerce enterprise/platformheadquartered in Montreal, Canada since 2007. Our mission is to provideCanadians with strictly selected products and services and make their lifeeasier and better. At present, the company has more than 250 members. Our warehouse (250,000 square feet) operates 24 hourswith 3 teams. Morning, evening and night shifts that work hard to bringcustomers a complete fulfillment service. Not only do we pick, pack and shipout, we also receive and unload containers with return management. The company has completed Round A venture capitalinvestment in August, 2021. The warehouse on the West Island of Montreal hasalso expanded to 250,000 square feet (2.5 times the size of the previous one). SPExpressis the one stop shop to make life easier. The services we offer our clientsgives them the advantages needed to thrive in the fast growing e-commercemarketplace. We take care of all the heavy lifting so you can do what you dobest. Not just a company that stores your delivery assets, we work with youhand in hand to make sure your business thrives. Your success is our success. Title: SalesRepresentative SPExpressReport to: Project Manager Job description: SIGNINGBONUS + QUARTERLY COMMISSIONSWhatis the SPExpress project? (Fulfillment by Shopperplus)“Yousell it, we ship it.” That’s the premise behind the FBS.Shopperplusis a diverse 3PL(third-party logistics) that offers various order fulfillmentservices to help you manage products and inventory. SPExpress has a modernself-contained warehouse based just out of Montreal Island in Canada. SPExpresshas 11 years of experience as a leader in providing efficient and competitiveorder fulfillment solutions in Canada for smaller, medium-sized and start-upbusinesses which need the best shipping options. KeyResponsibilities:· Introduceand sell our SPExpress services to current and future customers;· Completethe sales process while building a strong customer relationship;· Achievetargeted area volume goals through a disciplined sales approach;· You willengage and maintain both active and inactive clientele integrating them intothe SPExpress partnership programs;· Outboundcall communication throughout the day to assist service partners in processingorder fulfillment services, inventory and management services, and shippingservices;· Pursuemarket growth within the assigned market area of service partners according tothe agreed-upon growth objectives by managing the volume, flow and maintainingeffective follow-up with existing SPExpress partners and update partner orcontact information accurately and in a timely manner;· Effectivelycommunicate competitive advantages on a transactional and broad basis to ensureproper service positioning within the market;· Collaboratewith the sales team to determine necessary strategic sales approaches;· “Coldcall” new prospects and existing partners using a combination of telephone,social media and email.· Identifydecision-makers within targeted leads and prospects and inform the sales teamwithin calls-to-action notes, dates, contacts, etc.· Act as aliaison between our head office and warehouse team. Whoyou are:· Excellentwritten and verbal communication skills in English or French, speaking Mandarinis an asset;· Exceptionalinterpersonal skills and passion for sales;· Excellentlistening skills and proven ability to ask effective probing questions;· Ability tobuild strong sales point document to optimize the sales process;· Stronginfluencing, sales and closing skills;· Strong negotiationskills;· Ability toadapt to change and work in a high pressure, fast-paced environment;· Takinginitiative and proving recommendations to improve processes and procedures;· Previousprofessional experience in a sales role is an asset;· Self-motivating. Whatweoffer:· A fun,dynamic and multi-cultural environment;· After theprobationary period, discounted price on services and products;· Comprehensivemedical and dental benefits;· Leaderswho support your development;· Ability tobe innovative and bring new ideas to the team;· Ability tomake a difference and lasting impact. Location:Workingremotely due to COVID-19.JobTypes: Part-time / Full-time, Permanent SIGNINGBONUS + QUARTERLY COMMISSIONS Interested parties can sendyour recent C.V to job@shopperplus.com,or coco.s@spexpress.ca Please note that onlysuccessful candidates will be further contacted.
最后发表: shopper+@ 2022-4-14 11:18 714 0 2022-4-13
drewc88 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街 飯館 請 抄鑊 一名
15$ 一小時 有意請致電 514 975 6683 張生
最后发表: drewc88@ 2022-4-14 11:14 606 0 2022-4-14

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