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MarchéCT4 [招聘·企业相关] 世纪超市招聘 Greenfield Park 店
世纪超市Greenfield Park 店高新诚聘: 厨房炉尾,厨房打杂 薪优粮准!熟手优先。提供两顿工作餐 联系电话: 514-677-0366 郑先生 工作地址:3680~3700 Boul Taschereau Greenfield Park, QC J4V 2H8
最后发表: MarchéCT4@ 2024-10-22 09:17 281 6 2024-10-16
Vincent_CA [招聘·企业相关] BlinkDoll 招聘 BD,有底薪,高提成,试用期后转 Full-time 新人帖
BlinkDoll 在魁北克地区快速扩展业务,现招聘3名有经验的 Business Development,试用期三个月,有底薪,高提成($400每单),预计每月收入 $4000 ~ $8000; 三个月后可转为 Full-time. 请参考公司网站:blinkdoll.com,欢迎投简历到 contact@blinkdoll.com Job Description 如下:Business DevelopmentWe are BlinkDoll Sales, an innovative sales force founded right here on Toronto. We are currently focusing on selling premium dolls and plan to expand into other services in the near future. As part of our team, you’ll be helping customers bring home high-quality, hand-crafted dolls at a special discounted price. The demand is high, which makes your sales journey smoother than most! We have partnered with Creative Doll Studios to grow fast, and we are ready to hit the ground running. This is where you come in: we are looking for 3 dedicated full-time workers to join our team on a semi-commission basis. Training, coaching, and regular meetings are all in place to help you refine your skills and grow with us. We’re not just here to see you succeed in sales, we want to teach you a valuable skill you can take anywhere! Requirements: Must be able to work full-time (40 hours per week) Hardworking, consistent, and determined Open to learning a challenging, yet rewarding skill Positive attitude and team-oriented mindset Pay Structure: Per Sale Earnings: You will receive $400 per sale, and our goal is to train you to make 2 sales a day (minimum). It’s not unusual to see our team hitting 3-4 sales on good days! Monthly Earnings: If you consistently make 1-2 sales per day, you can expect to close between 15-30 sales a month, earning $6000-$12,000 monthly. Upfront Payment: You will receive $50 per submitted sale project, payable 2 days after submission. Weekly Pay Example: Consistently closing 2 projects a day for 5 days = $500 per week paid upfront. Then, once delivery are completed, you will receive the remaining $350 per sale. Delivery Timeline: It takes approximately 20 business days for product delivery to be completed. Your journey with us can begin IMMEDIATELY! Whether you are looking for work or eager to jumpstart your sales career, we’ve got you covered. As BlinkDoll grows, so will your opportunities – including sales manager positions, regional manager roles, and even sales on new product lines.Let’s take it step by step, build an awesome team, and grow together! Culture, training, coaching… We provide everything you need to succeed. Our leadership team – Alex, Vincent, and Raymond – look forward to meeting and working with you!Send your resumes to Vincent to set up: 1.A 15-minute call for a preliminary discussion 2.An info night with our team Vincent's Email: contact@blinkdoll.com Job Type: Full-time Pay: $400.00-$500.00 per day Additional Pay: Bonus pay Commission pay Schedule: 8-hour shift Monday to Friday Weekends as needed License/Certification: Driving License (preferred) Work Location: In-person
最后发表: Vincent_CA@ 2024-10-22 08:56 272 0 2024-10-21
Motelletransit [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 南岸酒店招房间保洁!
酒店在南岸Mont st-hillire, 招房间保洁: 工作时间早8点-3点(可以灵活)。 全职/兼职都可以,现金或支票都可以,(可谈) 会简单法语或英语最好,不会也行。 身体健康,准时靠谱即可,有保洁工作经验最好。需有车。 联系电话:刘先生 514 660 9592
最后发表: Motelletransit@ 2024-10-22 07:33 469 1 2024-10-14
Lucas0304 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] angrignon附近餐馆招洗碗工一名
angrignon附近日餐餐馆招一名周末兼职洗碗工一名有意者可联系 weichat zhihaoliu0304
最后发表: SUNCUI@ 2024-10-22 05:14 343 2 2024-10-14
asir [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 泰餐招聘全职厨师
岛内近laval Thai express招聘厨师。需要会炒锅。无经验可培训 请联系4385267294
最后发表: asir@ 2024-10-21 21:20 356 2 2024-9-28
EllieW [招聘·其它] 招聘女助理, 无需语言和身份要求
无需语言和身份要求 蒙特利尔.首家抖音直播间 招聘 穿版女助理 身高163-168之间,体重100斤左右,38岁以下 冬季:25$---35$税后每小时 每周4天或5天,8:30--14:30 主要工作:直播期间协助穿版展示服装,简单中文口播,杜绝口音,有契约精神,勇于挑战自我。 有主播经验或直播展示经验优先,语言逻辑好,语言表达能力强的优先 地址: 西岛 H9W1W5 符合条件的姐妹赶快联系我吧,也许你就是下一个主播小姐姐(因为我们更需要的是主播姐姐) 非诚勿扰 V:ZHIMTL 4387286886(请短信)
最后发表: EllieW@ 2024-10-21 20:51 453 0 2024-10-16
Kylin [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 美甲美容按摩spa出售或出租
10多年的老生意, 位于ville st laurent酒店内, 地址:6500 cote de liesse, 独立两间工作室及接待室(有pedicure chair 和nail table), 洗手间, 租金便宜, 所有用品由酒店提供及清洗, 轻松打理, 可出售也可出租, 有兴趣的请发信息:514-8621383
最后发表: Kylin@ 2024-10-21 20:33 246 0 2024-10-21
王star [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 市中心寿司店请人了
最后发表: 王star@ 2024-10-21 18:29 253 0 2024-10-21
exxxqsllll [我要求职] 求一个小费高的现金餐馆工作 recommend heatlevel
本人25 英语流利法语基础的可以 之前有过收银员 奶茶 寿司出餐 帮厨的经验希望可以找一个现金工 在dt附近都可 不太远的都行
最后发表: 谁明@ 2024-10-21 18:18 980 10 2024-9-11
隆海超市 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 隆海超市诚聘各部门员工
隆海超市诚聘各部门员工1. 蔬菜水果部 2. 前台收银员 3. 熟食部收银员 4. 杂货部员工 5. 冷冻部员工 联系电话:(514)368-6888 Email: marcheoceanplus@gmail.com 超市地址: 530 Lafleur,lasalle, H8R 3H9 有意者请致电或亲临面谈。
最后发表: 隆海超市@ 2024-10-21 15:09 165 0 2024-10-21
峰哥 [招聘·其它] 需要一名仓库帮工(近南岸Brossard 的Costco) 新人帖
需要一个兼职的仓库帮工,每周五中午12:30pm 到晚10:30pm 。帮忙卸货理货,地点在南岸Brossard 的Costco附近。 货品都是日常用品和食品,不是很沉。 价格面议, 付现金。 本周就可以开始上班。谢谢! 联系方式:短信6478895083
最后发表: 云朵有点甜@ 2024-10-21 13:45 713 3 2024-10-17
一颗葱 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] DT、唐人街及Mont-Royal饺子店 招聘
DT、唐人街及Mont-Royal饺子店 招聘服务生 及厨房工需有工作经验 !支票工 长期稳定 5145595590 刘生
最后发表: 一颗葱@ 2024-10-21 08:28 218 0 2024-10-21
CONCORD_TOURS [招聘·企业相关] 招聘全职办公室助理
工作职责: [*]与客户进行有效沟通,解答问题并保持良好的客户关系 [*]处理和跟进订单,确保流程顺畅 工作要求: [*]英语流利,能够进行流畅的书面和口头交流 [*]法语流利者优先考虑 [*]具备认真负责的工作态度,积极主动,能够独立处理任务 [*]服从公司安排,适应团队协作, 能够承受一定的体力劳动 [*]熟悉办公软件 薪资面谈 有意者请发送简历CV到:Amy@concordtours.ca 联系人 AMY 514-659-9168
最后发表: JQ_Eva@ 2024-10-21 08:21 631 1 2024-10-11
BTN加拿大 [招聘·企业相关] 【招聘】EUNORAU电助力自行车 技术工
我们的加拿大魁北克门店开业了,我们正在寻找团队伙伴 目前正在招聘技术工,负责车辆维修安装售后工作。 无经验可以,机械相关专业优先。 前期主要以兼职为主。 有意向可以联系,公司HR邮箱:zhupengchao@eunorau.cn
最后发表: BTN加拿大@ 2024-10-21 01:51 171 0 2024-10-21
xman0125 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 中餐请炒锅师傅,油炉师傅5148877766
最后发表: xman0125@ 2024-10-20 22:58 245 0 2024-10-14
龍lung [招聘·企业相关] 南岸小镇招快递员
南岸小镇找快递员 自备车 薪优,联系电话:5146275995
最后发表: 龍lung@ 2024-10-20 22:52 216 0 2024-10-20
首信报税 [招聘·企业相关] 招聘3级驾照司机一名, 新人帖
最后发表: 首信报税@ 2024-10-20 20:45 191 0 2024-10-20
MTL_ [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 市中心快餐店请兼职收银
最后发表: MTL_@ 2024-10-20 17:43 222 0 2024-10-16
xman0125 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 中餐请炒锅师傅,油炉师傅5148877766
最后发表: xman0125@ 2024-10-20 11:17 183 0 2024-10-20
周生 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] Vaudreuil dorion 中餐馆请厨师
Vaudreuil dorion中餐馆请厨师,有意请电4387773954(周生)
最后发表: 周生@ 2024-10-20 10:56 179 0 2024-10-20

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