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ksqb2014 [招聘·其它] 诚聘按摩师
最后发表: ksqb2014@ 2022-8-13 14:15 720 0 2022-8-13
Marysteven [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招聘周末后厨
唐人街 饺子店高薪聘请周末后厨,联系电话514-889-9689
最后发表: Marysteven@ 2022-8-13 14:09 587 0 2022-8-13
HarBao [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街面包店誠聘以下職位
1) 廚務助理/學徒 上班時間 9:00am to 3:00pm 周一到周五 長期全職或兼職 無須經驗,提供午膳 暑期工免問 2)女店務員 上班時間 9am-1pm / 1pm-6pm 長期全職或兼職 無語言要求,無須經驗 暑期工免問 3)晚間清潔 上班時間 :下午四點到八點 暑期工免問 有意請发微信kenmo8888
最后发表: HarBao@ 2022-8-13 13:54 555 0 2022-8-13
masonyy [招聘·其它] 绿线cadillac地铁站旁寿司店诚聘
绿线cadillac地铁站旁寿司店诚聘寿司师傅,包卷熟手,薪资高,氛围好,欢迎您的加入,联系电话 4389791677
最后发表: masonyy@ 2022-8-13 13:15 555 0 2022-8-11
shelby_ [招聘·企业相关] 餐厅招服务生
南岸餐厅招前台服务员一位、有经验优先、无经验可培训。 联系电话:5142370607
最后发表: shelby_@ 2022-8-13 13:05 1886 11 2022-7-30
chanel3q520 [招聘·企业相关] Cashier and food preparation
潮汕美食家招聘 1.收银员(可兼职或全职)需要英语流利,有一定的法语基础,15$/-16$小时加小费 2.有工作经验优先,请发简历至Teochewfoodie@gmail.com /> 工作地址:3964 rue saint denis, h2w2m2 (近地铁站Sherbrooke)
最后发表: chanel3q520@ 2022-8-13 12:07 628 0 2022-8-13
Biker [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 请外卖员
Lachine 意大利餐厅请外卖员若干名,需要洗碗,简单清洁和备料。15$/h 加小费仅支票。 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220813/1660405314864233566.jpg
最后发表: Biker@ 2022-8-13 11:45 782 0 2022-8-13
feiliu [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街超市急招肉档师傅和冻货师傅!收银员!全职兼职都可!!薪优粮准!有意电话5146232899
最后发表: feiliu@ 2022-8-13 11:39 562 0 2022-8-13
Frankkkkkkk [招聘·企业相关] LaSalle区隆海超市,诚聘各部门员工
LaSalle区隆海超市,诚聘各部门员工: 烘培大师傅,菜部,肉部,鱼部,急冻部,厨房帮厨,Food court收银。 有经验者优先。 联系电话:647-407-5888 Frank 地址:530 Ave Lafleur Lasalle QC
最后发表: Frankkkkkkk@ 2022-8-13 09:53 928 1 2022-8-12
张世安 [招聘·企业相关] 招聘
沙拉店招聘员工,沙拉制作,款台收银,工作简单,容易上手,会简单的英、法语即可。时薪16$+小费。地址:3131 blv. côte-vertu H4R 1Y8。联系电话:5145626691 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220813/1660391375154393460.jpg
最后发表: 张世安@ 2022-8-13 07:49 730 0 2022-8-13
chezchili [招聘·企业相关] 奶茶店招聘全职店长
时薪+小费=平均 17$到20$+ 需每周工作至少40小时 认真负责 无经验可培训 有意者请电5146991966 需工卡
最后发表: Alinaly@ 2022-8-12 23:52 1350 5 2022-8-7
HarBao [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街面包店誠聘以下職位
1) 幫廚/學徒 上班時間 9:00am to 3:00pm 周一到周五 長期全職或兼職 無須經驗,提供午膳 暑期工免問 2)女店務員 上班時間 9am-1pm / 1pm-6pm 長期全職或兼職 無語言要求,無須經驗 暑期工免問 3)晚間清潔 上班時間 :下午四點到八點 暑期工免問 有意請发微信kenmo8888
最后发表: HarBao@ 2022-8-12 23:08 493 0 2022-8-12
Jenny2021 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] laval北岸连锁寿司店诚聘
最后发表: Jenny2021@ 2022-8-12 22:48 567 0 2022-8-12
icherry2016 [招聘·其它] 小饭桌招小伙伴儿 recommend heatlevel  ...23
angrignon公园附近 小饭桌家常菜 一荤一素$10 可选自取 也可送餐根据距离加配送费$1.99起 http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20210707/1625712781893182103.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20210707/1625712782034477450.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20210707/1625712782091100719.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20210707/1625712782145301311.jpg
最后发表: icherry2016@ 2022-8-12 22:05 5857 52 2021-7-7
小丸子314 [招聘·企业相关] 中餐馆请厨房打杂
最后发表: 小丸子314@ 2022-8-12 21:28 777 0 2022-8-12
新枫向留学移民 [招聘·企业相关] 【新枫向移民留学】诚聘文案助理若干名 待遇优厚
公司因扩大经营规模,开辟新的业务渠道,对人才求贤若渴。现诚聘文案助理,要求如下: 岗位职责:1.收集、归类、整理文件;梳理公司材料;2. 全面配合签约客户准备全套移民申请材料;3. 维护与客户的良好关系,维护客户的满意度和企业美誉度。 任职要求:1. 严格遵守公司的道德规范和行为准则,为客户提供一流的服务;2. 认真细致,工作热情主动,有耐心,良好的团队合作精神;3. 有很强的逻辑思维能力及组织表达能力。4. 能够承受一定的压力,有责任心和进取心,业务忙时,可以加班;6. 具备优秀的沟通能力;尤其英文要好,法语是加分项。7. 形象良好的年轻人 求职材料:1. 简历;2. 应聘概述。 有意者请发送您的简历至:info@newdcanada.com
最后发表: 新来的@ 2022-8-12 19:21 789 1 2022-8-12
汇枫文化教育 [招聘·企业相关] 汇枫集团诚聘助理 attach_img
汇枫集团总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,拥有政府专业资格认证, 始终专注于留学移民,海外教育,投资置业等专业领域。 现诚聘助理 职位要求:英语或法语至少有一门熟练掌握有驾照,且驾驶技术娴熟,有助理相关的工作经验,工作认真,善于聆听和沟通,有上进心,责任心强能够熟练使用office办公软件工作内容:收集整理合同、处理相关文件,偶尔有少量文件翻译工作,沟通协调客户与合作方。帮公司预定饭店、酒店、机票等助理工作。 公司工作环境好,老板和蔼,同事亲切,福利多,快来加入我们吧~ 有意者请您将简历发送至convergemaple@gmail.com, 也可以扫描海报下方二维码了解更多信息,谢谢!
最后发表: 新来的@ 2022-8-12 18:56 889 1 2022-8-12
shopper+ [招聘·企业相关] Shopper+ 诚聘采购专员 1-2名
Job Description: CompanyProfile: ShopperPlusis Canada's leading e-commerce platform, founded in Montreal, Canada in 2008 byJack, an early Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth exploration andcontinuous development, the company has established a series of full-contact,multi-channel, cost-effective and innovative DTC brands, including officesupplies, 3C electronic products, home storage, hardware kitchen and bathroom,kitchen and small Home appliances, pet supplies, baby supplies and basic dailynecessities, etc. Through its own website and e-commerce platform, ShopperPlusserves millions of Canadian consumers every year. In Montreal,there is one order fulfilment center and its own distribution network, onefulfilment center in Vancouver, Canada, and one merchandise center inGuangzhou, China. The company has completed Round A venture capital investmentin August, 2021. The fulfilment center on the WestIsland of Montreal has also expanded to 250,000 square feet (2.5 times the sizeof the previous one). Meanwhile, an intelligent warehousing robotic orderpicking system is introduced to break through the bottleneck and to positionShopper+ in the front line. Job Title: Procurement Specialist Reports to: Procurement Manager WorkingPlace: Montreal Responsibilities: 1. Filter home division out-of-stock orders for relatedweb-site of home division on a daily basis and allocate inventory by switching the shipping warehouseto fulfill customer orders. 2. Check availability of inventory, sort out restock product lists, prepare purchase ordersto replenish stocks within purchasing authority.3. Expedite and manage new orders and outstanding orders to achievedelivery performance before the deadline.4. Contact suppliers to schedule deliveries and to resolve shortages,missed deliveries and other problems.5. Maintain purchasing files, invoices, custom documents and scheduleestimated payment date.6. Source new products and conduct product comparison analysis7. Manage the relationships of multiple suppliers to deliver highestlevels of services and ensure the correctness of supplier information8. Cross team communications:● Assist the finance team to confirm the accuracy of invoices andpayment request● Contact the suppliers to assist solving customer inquiries regardingcompany products● Communicate with suppliers to obtain detailed product informationbased on the requirements of the product team● Complete client out-of-stock orders by working with customerservice team9. Other assignments by its immediate supervisor Qualifications: 1. Knowledge● Bachelor’s degree, major in business, commerce, logistics ormarketing● Basic understanding of our products● 1+ yearpurchasing working experience is preferred 2. Competence ● Good communication in both verbal and written in English,speaking Frenchis a plus, speaking mandarin is a plus● Computer literate● Multi-tasking and time management skill● Detail oriented, accurate, well organized● Strong planning and analytical skills 3. Others ● Sense of responsibility● Good team player Please send your resume to: job@shopperplus.com
最后发表: 陆焉识@ 2022-8-12 18:13 909 1 2022-8-12
admintlw [招聘·企业相关] 服装公司招聘
Import Coordinators, duties include- 3-5 years experiences in the samefashion filed- Follow-up orders with overseafactories from A to Z- Detail orientation and goodcommunication are must- Able to work efficiently,responsibly, under pressure- Computer literate is an asset, familiar with OUTLOOK, WORDS, EXCEL office tool Qualified Candidates please send CV to :talentneed@yahoo.ca
最后发表: admintlw@ 2022-8-12 16:23 779 0 2022-8-12
HarBao [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 唐人街面包店誠聘以下職位
1) 幫廚/學徒 上班時間 9:00am to 3:00pm 周一到周五 長期全職或兼職 無須經驗,提供午膳 暑期工免問 2)女店務員 上班時間 9am-1pm / 1pm-6pm 長期全職或兼職 無語言要求,無須經驗 暑期工免問 3)晚間清潔 上班時間 :下午四點到八點 暑期工免問 有意請发微信kenmo8888
最后发表: HarBao@ 2022-8-12 15:06 586 0 2022-8-12

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