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Weir [招聘·其它] 近Monk地铁酒吧招记账管理人员
最后发表: Weir@ 2022-10-6 23:17 1003 2 2022-10-6
sallywangsally [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 国内做过正规厨师,蒙城七年多厨师经验求职现金南岸 新人帖
有多年国内蒙城工作经验的厨师,现求职现金工,南岸饭店炒锅职位,工作时间周三至周六 。联系方式:5145710166(短信联络)
最后发表: sallywangsally@ 2022-10-6 21:58 578 0 2022-10-6
CH. [招聘·其它] 搬家求帮手10.15日或16日
如题 30/小时
最后发表: 裴pei@ 2022-10-6 20:55 898 1 2022-10-5
喵公举 [招聘·企业相关] 招聘有意聯繫
地址:Oplante Sushi/Wok 2115 St-Denis Downtown location 招聘廚房油炉和外場服务生壽司吧師傅或學徒 起薪$14.25起 經驗師傅價錢面議 近Sherbrooke地铁 步行三分鐘
最后发表: 喵公举@ 2022-10-6 20:50 1020 5 2022-8-26
Alexteastudio [招聘·企业相关] 西岛餐厅招聘服务员
最后发表: Alexteastudio@ 2022-10-6 20:27 653 0 2022-10-6
大王 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 日餐请服务员(高薪)
最后发表: 大王@ 2022-10-6 15:25 624 0 2022-10-6
哦嚯 [招聘·企业相关] 餐馆招服务员 面案 后厨
橙线Mont-royal地铁站附近餐馆招聘服务员(需法语),后厨,面案,需有工卡, 联系电话 514九九15七七七 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221006/1665061263872094310.jpg
最后发表: 哦嚯@ 2022-10-6 14:23 556 0 2022-10-6
UncleTetsuMTL [招聘·餐饮/服务业] [招聘·餐饮/服务业] [招聘·餐饮/服务业] Uncle Tetsu 日式芝士蛋糕連鎖店 招聘募集员工!!
工作內容:烘焙、收銀、備貨、包裝及清潔 工作要求:學習能力強、團體合作強、 認真負責、勤勞準時、良好工作態度 工作時間:全職(一週可4或5天工作) 兼職(需晚安及週末可工作) 語言要求:會基本 英、法 工作地點:Uncle Tetsu Montreal [*] 1408 rue Pierce Montreal 聯繫電話 514-938-5551 [*] 6700 Ch.de la côtes neiges Montreal 聯繫電話 514-731-3969 [*] Griffintown, guy & Notre -Dame area *以上職位男女均可、需要工卡(SIN NUMBER)、短期及現金勿擾有意者請發簡歷至: hrutplaza@gmail.com (請發英文或法文版,註明可工作的天數及時間)我們在此感謝,對本公司感興趣申請, 如符合我們的條件,會通知來面試
最后发表: UncleTetsuMTL@ 2022-10-6 12:22 693 0 2022-10-6
Maibonneheur [招聘·餐饮/服务业] restaurant chenois Chercher le liveur
最后发表: Maibonneheur@ 2022-10-6 11:51 505 0 2022-10-6
120212 [招聘·其它] 衣厂招聘
120212 05-10 招聘有经验车衣工、杂工,杂工无需经验,联系人:叶先生,电话:5146928686,地址9050 Ave du parc #103 H4Z 3H4
最后发表: 120212@ 2022-10-6 09:58 647 0 2022-10-6
新枫向留学移民 [招聘·企业相关] 【新枫向留学移民】老牌移民公司 招移民咨询顾问
新枫向移民留学公司,于2014年创立于加拿大蒙特利尔,立志于为华人市场提供全面独到的院校申请,签证、移民,雇主担保类等服务 留学移民咨询销售 职责要求: 1,善于沟通,学习能力强; 2,有基础留学及移民行业相关知识储备; 3,执行能力强,有积极向上的工作态度; 4,为客户提供全面院校信息、专业信息、移民咨询; 5,解答客户疑问,了解客户需求并为其制定完善的留学移民计划、方案; 6,积极挖掘跟进潜在客户,促进签约; 7,与文案人员配合,协助并指导客户,完成留学移民申请及签证; 8,保持与签约客户的联系,维护客户关系; 薪资待遇:底薪+奖金+提成 年薪5-10w 简历请投至:stevenx@newdcanada.com
最后发表: 新枫向留学移民@ 2022-10-6 08:43 561 0 2022-10-6
Lyliyana [招聘·餐饮/服务业] Côte-Vertu地铁站附近,长期聘用寿司包卷工及帮厨(有经验者从优,薪水不设上限)
Côte-Vertu地铁站附近,长期聘用寿司包卷工及帮厨(有经验者从优,薪水不设上限) 工作时间:8:00-17:00或8:00-13:00(Part-time或full-time可选,请来电咨询) 简 况:1. 上班地点:St-LaurentShopping Center内,近橙线Cote-Vertu地铁站。门口通高频公交。2. 停车方便:有大量带有遮蓬的停车位 ,夏季停车遮雨,冬季停车遮雪。3. 其他特色:24小时保安服务,工作环境整洁优雅安全。4. 薪酬说明:有从业经验者优先录取,薪水不设上限(有小费),一但雇佣长期有效。不接受现金工 雇员要求:1. 身体健康,手脚麻利,思路敏捷,吃苦耐劳,无语言要求。2. 居住地最好在St-Laurent附近或交通便利的就近区域(店址请来电咨询)。3. 有寿司包卷经验者优先考虑。 联系方式:电话:514-430-7088(如无人接听,可发手机短信至这个号码,写下名字及联系方式,来电必复)电子邮件:Lyliyana.lee@gmail.com联 系 人:李女士
最后发表: Lyliyana@ 2022-10-6 05:42 613 0 2022-10-6
fusijiao饺子 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 饺子店招聘后厨 兼职全职都可 新人帖
会炒面炒饭煎饺子就行 也可以来我们店培训 联系微信:leayangjie383838
最后发表: 浮石@ 2022-10-5 23:23 1014 2 2022-9-28
婵娟 [招聘·各类家政] 专业居家室内清洁服务 新人帖
专业居家室内清洁服务,多年工作经验,齐全的产品和工具,期待为您提供优质的服务。 电话☎️514-213-1315(最好是短信,必复)或微信:hyin0128
最后发表: 婵娟@ 2022-10-5 22:44 673 0 2022-10-5
shopper+ [招聘·企业相关] Shopper+ 诚聘项目协调员 1 名
CompanyProfile: Shopper+ isa leading Canadian e-commerce platform. It was founded in Montreal, Canada in2008 by Jack, a former Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth explorationand continuous development, Shopper+ has exploded in success. Today, thecompany offers almost every type of product imaginable. With products in officesupplies, 3C electronic products, pet supplies, small appliances, storagesolutions, and more, its carefully selected products and services for everydayliving truly make life easier and better. Through its own website and othere-commerce platforms, Shopper+ serves millions of Canadian consumers everyyear. It saves customers from the excessive product variety on the market andoffers high quality essentials at affordable prices. Shopper+ hasone warehouse and its own distribution network in Montreal, and anotherwarehouse in Vancouver, Canada. It also has a new product development center inGuangzhou, China. The warehouse in Montreal has expanded to 250,000 square feet(2.5 times the size of the previous one). Meanwhile, an intelligent warehousingrobot system was introduced to position Shopper+ in the front line. Job Description: Title: ProjectCoordinatorLocation: Montreal Report to: ProjectManager Roles andResponsibilities: 1. Working closely with Project Manager and Senior ProjectSpecialist to assist in various project management related duties.2. Act as the point of contact who coordinate with clients andother teams to deliver a complete customer experience, which include:●Acquire new clients and arrange meetings●Supports project invoicing●Identify and resolve project related problems efficiently● Openinvestigation with couriers and file claims●Respond to any other inquiries related in a timely manner 3.Support company’s project, which include:● Obtainquotation from various service/ product suppliers● Followup with the purchase and negotiate the details●Support small projects from initiation and planning through closure and evaluation●Organize and update project documents 4.Assist in business developing and marketing, including drafting, preparing, editing, and translating project relateddocuments5. Other assignments by its immediate Qualifications: Knowledge: · Completion of post-secondary education in Project· Management, business administration, Supply Chain,· Management, or related discipline· Experience in project based role in E-commerce or logistic field will be an asset. Competence: · Proficiency in MS Office and G Suite· Strong sense of ownership and responsibility· Strong interpersonal and communication skills· Good time management and organizational skills· Attention to details· Team player· A quick learner with a positive attitude to take on new Please sent your CV to: job@shopperplus.com
最后发表: shopper+@ 2022-10-5 20:52 803 0 2022-10-5
Christy513 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] waiter /busboy
唐人街餐馆招聘: 现招聘兼职服务员和busboy各一名,需主动勤奋不怕苦,年龄20-40,男性,薪资面谈,有意者联系:514-8986823 tony
最后发表: Christy513@ 2022-10-5 18:08 659 0 2022-10-5
hh-hh [招聘·各类家政] 诚聘:清洁工人(兼职)
聘: 旅店兼职清洁工人,工作地点Sherbrooke 市。 有经验者优先 联系电话:514-5824666
最后发表: hh-hh@ 2022-10-5 17:27 925 0 2022-10-1
大王 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 日餐请服务员(高薪)
最后发表: 大王@ 2022-10-5 15:12 642 0 2022-10-5
wlpdbbw [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 请人
诚招餐馆收银和厨师 有无经验均可 西岛泰餐 pierrefond 大街 电话514-6772571 谢谢
最后发表: wlpdbbw@ 2022-10-5 14:45 650 0 2022-10-5
linwinston [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 餐馆
唐人街餐馆招聘: 现招聘兼职服务员和busboy各一名,需主动勤奋不怕苦,年龄20-40,男性,薪资面谈,有意者联系:514-8986823 tony
最后发表: linwinston@ 2022-10-5 14:42 720 0 2022-10-5

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