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xing123 [招聘·企业相关] 油漆粉刷
心里装着星辰与大海,手里用滚筒与色彩,勾勒出您对加拿大新生活的美好期待。 ​加拿大正规持牌装修油漆施工公司,RBQ.CCQ.ASP各项合法牌照,可接商业,住宅油漆活5146637189
最后发表: xing123@ 2022-10-15 17:24 723 0 2022-10-13
陳太 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 近MetroMcGill壽司店招
近 Metro McGill 壽司店招聘包卷员 星期二,三,四 早上十時到下午二時 有意者請電陳太 514-966-1101
最后发表: 陳太@ 2022-10-15 17:23 640 0 2022-10-15
Louamas [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 岛内近地铁Villa maria,NDG区连锁Poke招聘经理及全职厨房人员。
招聘职位: 店面经理(19$~25$), 英法语流利,有连锁店面管理经验者优先。 Poke bowl制作备料人员:(15$~20$). 英法语流利,有餐馆厨房经验者优先。 需工卡,全职(40小时)。 招聘地址:Monkland village 区,近villa maria地铁。 联系方式:加微信 45240551,注明:poke招聘 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221014/1665802351542672_497.jpg
最后发表: Louamas@ 2022-10-15 15:56 943 1 2022-10-14
HarBao [招聘·企业相关] 唐人街面包店誠聘以下職位  ...2
1.女店務員 9am to 6pm 需長期全職或兼職 無語言要求,無須經驗, 專人培訓,晉升機制,提供午膳 有意請发微信kenmo8888
最后发表: HarBao@ 2022-10-15 10:13 2015 21 2022-9-25
CandyQiu [招聘·企业相关] 优雅按摩店诚聘女按摩师5145621401
南岸优雅按摩店因客流量提升,诚聘女按摩师数名! 老店,客流大,客源固定,素质高,小费好。工作稳定,收入高,时间灵活。 *30$/小时+小费 (其他钟另算) 只需踏实肯干,无经验可免费培训。 环境优雅干净舒适,员工待遇好,工作氛围轻松。提供免费美味工作餐。上下班包接送。停车免费车位足。 *节假日,员工生日等有福利! 详情请电话或短信咨询: (514) 562-1401 (有时工作无法接听电话,请短信留言,速回) 期待各位人才加入! https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221015/166584141656831525.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221015/1665841416608538136.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221015/1665841416648001887.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221015/1665841416704182686.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221015/16658414167628643.jpg
最后发表: CandyQiu@ 2022-10-15 09:43 659 0 2022-10-15
宝贝小丫头 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 中餐馆高薪诚聘
诚聘熟手服务员(需法语流利) 另聘出餐师傅及杂工,全职兼职均可! 薪优!薪优!薪优! 有意者请联系:刘生 5145595590
最后发表: 宝贝小丫头@ 2022-10-14 23:11 733 0 2022-10-13
菠萝泡泡 [我要求职] Cegep毕业,假期想找份工作
时间:周一到周五,8am-6pm都行 地点:交通方便,最好是地铁附近 有工作经验,英语流利 有工卡号
最后发表: benson3e@ 2022-10-14 22:56 1220 4 2022-5-31
星星小饼干 [我要求职] 我要求职
学生有工卡 英语法语基本交流没问题 有服务员 经验 有餐馆工作经验 有意留言 时间灵活 电话5145851310
最后发表: benson3e@ 2022-10-14 22:55 1807 3 2022-7-10
拍肚皮 [我要求职] mcgill大三cs统计学生找兼职,可以家教或者餐饮业打杂
最后发表: benson3e@ 2022-10-14 22:54 1889 11 2022-9-28
Lyliyana [招聘·餐饮/服务业] Côte-Vertu地铁站附近,长期聘用寿司包卷工及帮厨(有经验者从优,薪水不设上限)
Côte-Vertu地铁站附近,长期聘用寿司包卷工及帮厨(有经验者从优,薪水不设上限) 工作时间:8:00-17:00或8:00-13:00(Part-time或full-time可选,请来电咨询) 简 况:1. 上班地点:St-LaurentShopping Center内,近橙线Cote-Vertu地铁站。门口通高频公交。2. 停车方便:有大量带有遮蓬的停车位 ,夏季停车遮雨,冬季停车遮雪。3. 其他特色:24小时保安服务,工作环境整洁优雅安全。4. 薪酬说明:有从业经验者优先录取,薪水不设上限(有小费),一但雇佣长期有效。5. 其 他:不接受现金工和工作时间低于3个月的短期求职者。 雇员要求:1. 身体健康,手脚麻利,思路敏捷,吃苦耐劳,无语言要求。2. 居住地最好在St-Laurent附近或交通便利的就近区域(店址请来电咨询)。3. 有寿司包卷经验者优先考虑。 联系方式:电话:514-430-7088(如无人接听,可发手机短信至这个号码,写下名字及联系方式,来电必复)电子邮件:Lyliyana.lee@gmail.com联 系 人:李女士
最后发表: Lyliyana@ 2022-10-14 22:48 951 0 2022-10-14
lichen [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 南岸寿司poke店,招聘收银要求英法语熟练欢迎您的加入,咨询电话:5145500918周女士  ...2
南岸寿司poke店,招聘收银要求英法语熟练欢迎您的加入,咨询电话:5145500918周女士 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221005/166502432601263_52.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221005/1665024326014942_866.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221005/1665024326016602_524.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221005/1665024326018438_655.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221005/1665024326020776_890.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221005/1665024326022898_929.jpg
最后发表: lichen@ 2022-10-14 22:01 1970 37 2022-10-5
vignoble [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 餐厅和酒吧生意for sale
10 老虎机 2个alcohol permit restaurant permit two big terrace 全新装修厨房和餐厅 地址:Brossard tel:514-699-8870
最后发表: vignoble@ 2022-10-14 20:27 728 0 2022-10-14
ubisee [招聘·企业相关] 老牌工厂阳光食品公司招销售助理
阳光食品公司,魁省本地老牌工厂,主要经营速冻米面食品的生产与销售。现招聘销售助理数一名 要求: 1、工作认真负责、具备良好的沟通能力。 2、负责市场开发渠道建设以及老客户维护。 3、熟悉餐饮、流通渠道开发,有独立开发经销商、二批的能力优先。 地址: 7725 Cordner, #122, Lasalle QC. 联系电话:514-825-6856 陈, 如电话没有接 514-963-2268 代转
最后发表: ubisee@ 2022-10-14 17:55 1036 0 2022-10-14
shopper+ [招聘·企业相关] Shopper+ 诚聘网页设计师1名
CompanyProfile: Shopper+is a leading Canadian e-commerce platform. It was founded in Montreal, Canadain 2008 by Jack, a former Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth explorationand continuous development, Shopper+ has exploded in success. Today, the companyoffers almost every type of product imaginable. With products in office supplies,3C electronic products, pet supplies, small appliances, storage solutions, andmore, its carefully selected products and services for everyday living trulymake life easier and better. Through its own website and other e-commerceplatforms, Shopper+ serves millions of Canadian consumers every year. It savescustomers from the excessive product variety on the market and offers highquality essentials at affordable prices. Shopper+has one warehouse and its own distribution network in Montreal, and another warehousein Vancouver, Canada. It also has a new product development center in Guangzhou,China. The warehouse in Montreal has expanded to 250,000 square feet (2.5 timesthe size of the previous one). Meanwhile, an intelligent warehousing robotsystem was introduced to position Shopper+ in the front line. JobDescription: Title:Web DesignerLocation:Montreal Reportto: Manager - Product and Design Department Responsibilities: [*]Create, contribute to, and maintain design systems, particularly using Figma [*]Concept, wireframe, sketch, and design layouts for small and large marketing initiatives (webpages, APP,interactive reports, and more) [*]Partner directly with creative leads to brainstorm and concept ideas swiftly and thoughtfully [*]Work closely with Product leads to ensure good presentation and on-time deliverables [*]Collaborate with our web developers to oversee the implementation of designs [*]Utilize Basecamp as the primary tool for internal communication, status updates, delivery of files, and project management [*]Present in written or verbal form to stakeholders and partners [*]Continued research into UX/UI trends and current design strategies and technology [*]Utilize collaborative communication tools like Lark, Figma, Google suite, and others to work closely with team members across projects and time zones Qualifications: [*]3-5 years of professional digital design experience, with an emphasis on web design [*]A thoughtfully presented portfolio, showing the ability to think conceptually and strategically [*]BA/BS degree in graphic design, media arts, illustration, animation, or related field; or an equivalent combination of education and experience [*]Experience working in e-commerce or retail, highly preferred [*]Mastery of basic design principles such as typography, composition, scale, etc [*]Knowledgeable in responsive design and grid principles [*]Ability to effectively manage time, prioritize tasks and work within deadlines with little supervision [*]Ability to grasp multiple design requirements with careful attention to detail [*]Proficiency using Figma, Adobe Creative Suite, Google Analytics, (or other metric web tools) [*]Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment that is constantly changing [*] About You [*]You are seasoned in web design (both UX/UI) and understand the nuances that create valuable interactive experiences [*]You are a self-starter, optimistic, creative, willing to be flexible, and can work both individually and as a part of a growing and talented team [*]You find joy in solving UX problems, understanding the target audience, always putting users in mind, and making things more usable on every level [*]You are detail oriented, especially when it comes to typography and hierarchy [*]You can facilitate meaningful conversations between design and development [*]You have great written and verbal communication skills—you can be clear and down to earth [*]You are a learner and interested in understanding how the business works in a way to help you translate business and marketing goals into clear, executable recommendations [*]You take feedback well (and not personally) in a way that allows for collaboration and elevation [*]You are confident in presenting and/or growing your presentation skills Please send your updated resume to: job@shopperplus.com 职位: 网页设计师地点:蒙特利尔 汇报: 产品和设计部经理 职责: • 创建、和维护设计系统,尤其是熟练使用Figma• 熟悉小型和大型营销计划(网页、APP、交互式报告等)的概念、线框、草图和设计布局• 快速进行头脑风暴和概念创意• 与产品负责人密切合作,以确保良好的演示和按时交付• 与我们的网络开发人员合作,监督设计的实施• 使用 Basecamp 作为内部沟通、状态更新、文件交付和项目管理的主要工具• 以书面或口头形式向相关者和合作伙伴展示• 研究 UX/UI 趋势以及当前的设计策略和技术• 利用 Lark、Figma、Google套件等协作通信工具与跨项目和跨时区的团队成员密切合作 资格: • 3-5 年专业数字设计经验,重点是网页设计• 精心呈现的作品集,展示了概念性和战略性思考的能力• 平面设计、媒体艺术、插图、动画或相关领域的文学士/理学士学位;或同等学历和经验• 有电子商务或零售业工作经验者优先• 掌握排版、构图、比例等基本设计原则• 熟悉响应式设计和网格原则• 能够有效地管理时间、确定任务的优先级并在几乎没有监督的情况下在最后期限内完成工作• 能够把握多个设计要求,并认真关注细节• 熟练使用 Figma、AdobeCreative Suite、Google Analytics(或其他指标网络工具)• 在不断变化的快节奏环境中舒适地工作 关于你: • 您在网页设计(UX/UI)方面经验丰富,并了解创造有价值的互动体验的细微差别• 你是一个自发的、乐观的、有创造力的、愿意灵活的,并且可以单独工作,也可以作为一个成长中的有才华的团队的一员• 您会在解决用户体验问题、了解目标受众、始终以用户为中心以及让事物在各个层面更有用方面找到乐趣• 您注重细节,尤其是在排版和层次结构方面• 您可以促进设计和开发之间的有意义的对话• 你有出色的书面和口头沟通技巧• 您是一名学习者,有兴趣了解业务如何运作,以帮助您将业务和营销目标转化为清晰、可执行的建议• 您有信心展示和/或提高您的演讲技巧 请将更新后的简历发送至:job@shopperplus.com
最后发表: shopper+@ 2022-10-14 17:37 869 0 2022-10-14
super [招聘·其它] Sushi Naruto St-Lazare店招聘
Sushi Naruto 现招新人 需长期稳定上班 寿司吧 part time 需工卡 地点:2673 Côte Saint-Charles, Saint-Lazare 有意者联系微信:superrrrr_bc https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221010/1665444319643924730.jpg
最后发表: super@ 2022-10-14 13:58 883 2 2022-10-10
zzzzzy_ [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 书亦烧仙草DT 康大店招聘
书亦烧仙草康大店现招聘员工 现招聘男备料 或力气较大的女生 需要有工卡报税 会中英法至少两种语言 有意者请发送短信个人信息至5142392540 请备注自己的个人信息。
最后发表: zzzzzy_@ 2022-10-14 13:35 1013 1 2022-5-30
汇枫文化教育 [招聘·企业相关] 汇枫集团诚聘移民顾问和移民文案 attach_img
汇枫集团总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,拥有政府专业资格认证, 始终专注于留学移民,海外教育,投资置业等专业领域。 现诚聘移民顾问和文案 公司工作环境好,老板和蔼,同事亲切,福利多,快来加入我们吧~ 有意者请您将简历发送至convergemaple@gmail.com, 也可以扫描海报下方二维码了解更多信息,谢谢!
最后发表: 汇枫文化教育@ 2022-10-14 11:54 555 0 2022-10-14
Maibonneheur [招聘·餐饮/服务业] restaurant chenois Chercher le liveur et télépheniste
最后发表: Maibonneheur@ 2022-10-14 11:32 530 0 2022-10-14
aaeewwtt2244 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 诚招女按摩师
多年老店,生意稳定,近地铁1分钟,现招有责任心,准时的按摩师 ,欢迎新,老移民,留学生,无经验可培训,有意请电: 438 876 7662
最后发表: aaeewwtt2244@ 2022-10-14 11:19 582 0 2022-10-14
招聘专用 [招聘·企业相关] 招聘啦白班晚班都需要
.招聘前台跟客服人员 如果您英语&法语交流没问题,有call center 的相关工作经验,欢迎加入我们。 工作时间:9:00am-5:00pm 基本工资16/时+ bonus 上班地址:lachine 如果您感兴趣欢迎致电:514-993-3396 简历可以发到:hr@feagencyca.com ​ ​2.招聘取白班单员 工作时间:白班8:00pm_4:00pm 周一到周五 晚班4:00 pm-12:pm 工作地点: 西岛 薪 资:白班:15/H(外加每小时2刀的移情补)助,加班是1.5倍工资 晚班:16.5/H(外加每小时2刀的移情补)助,加班是1.5倍工资 工作内容:取单,贴标签,扫码。BI_weekly pay 3,招聘晚班包单员 晚班4:00 pm-12:pm 工作地点: 西岛 晚班:16.5/H(外加每小时2刀的移情补)助,加班是1.5倍工资 工作内容简单易上手,工作环境好,主要就是包装商品,贴标签,扫码等 联系电话:514_993_3396
最后发表: 招聘专用@ 2022-10-14 10:12 736 0 2022-10-14

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