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shopper+ [招聘·企业相关] Shopper+ 诚聘 Web Designer 1名
CompanyProfile: Shopper+is a leading Canadian e-commerce platform. It was founded in Montreal, Canadain 2008 by Jack, a former Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth explorationand continuous development, Shopper+ has exploded in success. Today, the companyoffers almost every type of product imaginable. With products in office supplies,3C electronic products, pet supplies, small appliances, storage solutions, andmore, its carefully selected products and services for everyday living trulymake life easier and better. Through its own website and other e-commerceplatforms, Shopper+ serves millions of Canadian consumers every year. It savescustomers from the excessive product variety on the market and offers highquality essentials at affordable prices. Shopper+has one warehouse and its own distribution network in Montreal, and another warehousein Vancouver, Canada. It also has a new product development center in Guangzhou,China. The warehouse in Montreal has expanded to 250,000 square feet (2.5 timesthe size of the previous one). Meanwhile, an intelligent warehousing robotsystem was introduced to position Shopper+ in the front line. JobDescription: Title:Web DesignerLocation:Montreal Reportto: Manager - Product and Design Department Responsibilities: [*]Create, contribute to, and maintain design systems, particularly using Figma [*]Concept, wireframe, sketch, and design layouts for small and large marketing initiatives (webpages, APP,interactive reports, and more) [*]Partner directly with creative leads to brainstorm and concept ideas swiftly and thoughtfully [*]Work closely with Product leads to ensure good presentation and on-time deliverables [*]Collaborate with our web developers to oversee the implementation of designs [*]Utilize Basecamp as the primary tool for internal communication, status updates, delivery of files, and project management [*]Present in written or verbal form to stakeholders and partners [*]Continued research into UX/UI trends and current design strategies and technology [*]Utilize collaborative communication tools like Lark, Figma, Google suite, and others to work closely with team members across projects and time zones [*] Qualifications: [*]3-5 years of professional digital design experience, with an emphasis on web design [*]A thoughtfully presented portfolio, showing the ability to think conceptually and strategically [*]BA/BS degree in graphic design, media arts, illustration, animation, or related field; or an equivalent combination of education and experience [*]Experience working in e-commerce or retail, highly preferred [*]Mastery of basic design principles such as typography, composition, scale, etc [*]Knowledgeable in responsive design and grid principles [*]Ability to effectively manage time, prioritize tasks and work within deadlines with little supervision [*]Ability to grasp multiple design requirements with careful attention to detail [*]Proficiency using Figma, Adobe Creative Suite, Google Analytics, (or other metric web tools) [*]Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment that is constantly changing About You: [*]You are seasoned in web design (both UX/UI) and understand the nuances that create valuable interactive experiences [*]You are a self-starter, optimistic, creative, willing to be flexible, and can work both individually and as a part of a growing and talented team [*]You find joy in solving UX problems, understanding the target audience, always putting users in mind, and making things more usable on every level [*]You are detail oriented, especially when it comes to typography and hierarchy [*]You can facilitate meaningful conversations between design and development [*]You have great written and verbal communication skills—you can be clear and down to earth [*]You are a learner and interested in understanding how the business works in a way to help you translate business and marketing goals into clear, executable recommendations [*]You take feedback well (and not personally) in a way that allows for collaboration and elevation [*]You are confident in presenting and/or growing your presentation skills Please send your updated resume to: job@shopperplus.com
最后发表: shopper+@ 2022-10-13 11:43 768 0 2022-10-13
Kkkii [招聘·企业相关] 招聘送餐司机
全职或兼职都可以 微信biedong1000
最后发表: Kkkii@ 2022-10-13 11:38 1198 5 2022-8-27
汇枫文化教育 [招聘·企业相关] 汇枫集团诚聘移民顾问和移民文案 attach_img
汇枫集团总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,拥有政府专业资格认证, 始终专注于留学移民,海外教育,投资置业等专业领域。 现诚聘移民顾问和文案 公司工作环境好,老板和蔼,同事亲切,福利多,快来加入我们吧~ 有意者请您将简历发送至convergemaple@gmail.com, 也可以扫描海报下方二维码了解更多信息,谢谢!
最后发表: 汇枫文化教育@ 2022-10-13 10:17 570 0 2022-10-13
elizatjv [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 快餐店诚请炒餐师傅,全职和兼职均可。
最后发表: elizatjv@ 2022-10-13 10:15 918 1 2022-10-5
Jackyjiang [招聘·其它] 市中心连锁快餐招聘夜班厨师时薪2
最后发表: Jackyjiang@ 2022-10-13 09:49 724 0 2022-10-9
蒙城北路 [招聘·企业相关] 近monk地铁站寿司店招后厨
近monk地铁站寿司店诚招聘油炉工,不要求经验。 但是需要在家常做饭,手脚利索。要求周末能上下午班3:30到9点半。英语或者法语能基本交流,支票工,全职兼职皆可,工作长期稳定,交通便利, - 1-2 hot kitchen free food everyshift 有意者短信5146258806
最后发表: 蒙城北路@ 2022-10-13 09:42 1021 2 2022-10-3
喵公举 [招聘·其它] oplante招聘外場
地址:Oplante Sushi/Wok 2115 St-Denis Downtown location 近Sherbrooke地铁 步行三分鐘 有意私信,謝謝 服务生小费17起…
最后发表: 喵公举@ 2022-10-13 09:25 1001 2 2022-10-9
CandyQiu [招聘·企业相关] 优雅按摩店诚聘女按摩师5145621401
南岸优雅按摩店因客流量提升,诚聘女按摩师数名! 老店,客流大,客源固定,素质高,小费好。工作稳定,收入高,时间灵活。 *30$/小时+小费 (其他钟另算) 只需踏实肯干,无经验可免费培训。 环境优雅干净舒适,员工待遇好,工作氛围轻松。提供免费美味工作餐。上下班包接送。停车免费车位足。 *节假日,员工生日等有福利! 详情请电话或短信咨询: (514) 562-1401 (有时工作无法接听电话,请短信留言,速回) 期待各位人才加入! https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221011/1665525803379082407.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221011/1665525803470259378.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221011/166552580355960572.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221011/1665525803687721467.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221011/1665525803821589611.jpg
最后发表: CandyQiu@ 2022-10-13 09:18 657 0 2022-10-11
CandyQiu [招聘·企业相关] 优雅按摩店诚聘女按摩师5145621401
南岸优雅按摩店因客流量提升,诚聘女按摩师数名! 老店,客流大,客源固定,素质高,小费好。工作稳定,收入高,时间灵活。 *30$/小时+小费 (其他钟另算) 只需踏实肯干,无经验可免费培训。 环境优雅干净舒适,员工待遇好,工作氛围轻松。提供免费美味工作餐。上下班包接送。停车免费车位足。 *节假日,员工生日等有福利! 详情请电话或短信咨询: (514) 562-1401 (有时工作无法接听电话,请短信留言,速回) 期待各位人才加入! https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221013/1665665817099207438.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221013/1665665817138910722.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221013/1665665817178293258.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221013/1665665817233880748.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20221013/1665665817292034194.jpg
最后发表: CandyQiu@ 2022-10-13 08:57 531 0 2022-10-13
Lyliyana [招聘·餐饮/服务业] Côte-Vertu地铁站附近,长期聘用寿司包卷工及帮厨(有经验者从优,薪水不设上限)
Côte-Vertu地铁站附近,长期聘用寿司包卷工及帮厨(有经验者从优,薪水不设上限) 工作时间:8:00-17:00或8:00-13:00(Part-time或full-time可选,请来电咨询) 简 况:1. 上班地点:St-LaurentShopping Center内,近橙线Cote-Vertu地铁站。门口通高频公交。2. 停车方便:有大量带有遮蓬的停车位 ,夏季停车遮雨,冬季停车遮雪。3. 其他特色:24小时保安服务,工作环境整洁优雅安全。4. 薪酬说明:有从业经验者优先录取,薪水不设上限(有小费),一但雇佣长期有效。5. 其 他:不接受现金工和工作时间低于3个月的短期求职者。 雇员要求:1. 身体健康,手脚麻利,思路敏捷,吃苦耐劳,无语言要求。2. 居住地最好在St-Laurent附近或交通便利的就近区域(店址请来电咨询)。3. 有寿司包卷经验者优先考虑。 联系方式:电话:514-430-7088(如无人接听,可发手机短信至这个号码,写下名字及联系方式,来电必复)电子邮件:Lyliyana.lee@gmail.com
最后发表: Lyliyana@ 2022-10-13 05:22 642 0 2022-10-13
新枫向留学移民 [招聘·企业相关] 【新枫向移民留学】诚聘文案若干名 待遇优厚
公司因扩大经营规模,开辟新的业务渠道, 现诚聘兼职文案,要求如下: 岗位职责: 1.收集、归类、整理文件;梳理公司材料; 2.撰写相关文书,填写申请表格等文件; 3. 全面配合签约客户准备全套移民申请材料; 4. 维护与客户的良好关系,维护客户的满意度和企业美誉度。 任职要求: 1. 严格遵守公司的道德规范和行为准则,为客户提供一流的服务; 2. 性格沉稳,认真细致,工作热情主动,具有强烈的责任心,良好的团队合作精神及组织协调能力; 3. 有很强的逻辑思维能力及组织表达能力。 4. 能够承受一定的压力,有责任心和进取心,业务忙时,可以加班; 5. 具备优秀的法语写作能力、沟通能力; 6. 大学在读或大学毕业生 求职材料: 1. 简历; 2. 应聘概述。 有意者请发送您的简历至:info@newdcanada.com
最后发表: 新枫向留学移民@ 2022-10-13 02:13 696 0 2022-10-7
妖嘻嘻 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] DT火锅店招聘全职或兼职前场服务生、后厨、洗碗工
招收: 前场服务员,后厨和洗碗工(不需要语言) 需身体健康,可长期也可兼职。加微信Zhang1143405446,注明个人基本信息和应聘岗位。电话请发短信或致电到5145812138 服务员:需要英语和简单的法语与客户交流,有力气端锅倒汤。 后厨:简单易上手,需要一定厨房经验,无语言要求。薪资优。 洗碗工:身强体壮,无语言要求,薪资优。
最后发表: 妖嘻嘻@ 2022-10-13 02:05 879 0 2022-10-8
Jackyjiang [招聘·其它] 市中心连锁快餐招聘夜班厨师时薪2
最后发表: DIj@ 2022-10-12 22:45 1094 1 2022-10-8
Newon [招聘·企业相关] 兴旺超市二店(CDN) 熟食部招聘
最后发表: 阳光nn@ 2022-10-12 21:31 1174 1 2022-10-12
法国老师凯瑟琳 [招聘·各类家教] 免费 TEFaQ 课程 试听
我处提供一次免费试听TEFAQ 课程机会,课程有TEFaQ 口语 及 TEFAQ 听力,欢迎试听。 老师: 凯瑟琳女士(法国) 教学经验:30年,持有法国和加拿大教师资格 学生来源:康大,麦吉尔,LaSalle College 及各教育局的培训项目 成果:经老师辅导的TEFaQ B2 获得者人数目前已超过400人 老师的视频: www.youtube.com/c/propulsetraining 上课地点:市中心教室(康大图书馆附近) 或 网课 上课形式:只提供小班课 *** 咨询 *** Tel: 514 996 9765 Email: propulse.info@gmail.com Website: www.propulse.info 提供免费试听机会, 学生如果已达到 TEFaQ 官方成绩 B1水平,一般会在25至50小时的培训后取得B2成绩。
最后发表: 法国老师凯瑟琳@ 2022-10-12 19:31 886 0 2022-10-12
tnt100 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] BERRI-UQAM地铁站快餐店招早班全职寿司包卷工,无语言要求
BERRI-UQAM地铁站快餐店招早班全职寿司包卷工,要求周末至少一天能上班,无语言要求,要求有经验,勤快长期干。 工作时间为早上八点到下午。 有兴趣联系SCOTT, 5146528801。
最后发表: tnt100@ 2022-10-12 18:29 2035 15 2022-9-29
新枫向留学移民 [招聘·企业相关] 【新枫向留学移民】老牌移民公司 招移民咨询顾问
新枫向移民留学公司,于2014年创立于加拿大蒙特利尔,立志于为华人市场提供全面独到的院校申请,签证、移民,雇主担保类等服务 留学移民咨询销售 职责要求: 1,善于沟通,学习能力强; 2,有基础留学及移民行业相关知识储备; 3,执行能力强,有积极向上的工作态度; 4,为客户提供全面院校信息、专业信息、移民咨询; 5,解答客户疑问,了解客户需求并为其制定完善的留学移民计划、方案; 6,积极挖掘跟进潜在客户,促进签约; 7,与文案人员配合,协助并指导客户,完成留学移民申请及签证; 8,保持与签约客户的联系,维护客户关系; 薪资待遇:底薪+奖金+提成 年薪5-10w 简历请投至:stevenx@newdcanada.com
最后发表: 新枫向留学移民@ 2022-10-12 17:58 722 0 2022-10-10
蒙城北路 [招聘·企业相关] 近monk地铁站招聘寿司师傅
近monk地铁站寿司店诚招聘sushi chef,要求有经验,英语或者法语能交流,支票工,全职兼职皆可,主要能上晚班,或者能长期工作的寿司学徒也可。 3:30到9点半。 工作长期稳定,交通便利,工作时间可以相互协商。 - 1-2 maki man 工资面议 free food everyshift 有意者短信5146258806
最后发表: 蒙城北路@ 2022-10-12 17:31 1027 3 2022-9-25
shopper+ [招聘·企业相关] Shopper + 诚聘 市场助理 1 名/ Marketing Assistant
CompanyProfile: Shopper+ isa leading Canadian e-commerce platform. It was founded in Montreal, Canada in2008 by Jack, a former Alibaba employee. After years of in-depth explorationand continuous development, Shopper+ has exploded in success. Today, thecompany offers almost every type of product imaginable. With products in officesupplies, 3C electronic products, pet supplies, small appliances, storagesolutions, and more, its carefully selected products and services for everydayliving truly make life easier and better. Through its own website and othere-commerce platforms, Shopper+ serves millions of Canadian consumers everyyear. It saves customers from the excessive product variety on the market andoffers high quality essentials at affordable prices. Shopper+ hasone warehouse and its own distribution network in Montreal, and anotherwarehouse in Vancouver, Canada. It also has a new product development center inGuangzhou, China. The warehouse in Montreal has expanded to 250,000 square feet(2.5 times the size of the previous one). Meanwhile, an intelligent warehousingrobot system was introduced to position Shopper+ in the front line. Job Description:Title: Marketing AssistantLocation: Montreal Report to: Marketing Manager Roles and Responsibilities: 1. InfluencerProjects ● Searchesfor potential influencers (note past brand work, content quality, sufficientfollowers)● Reaches out to influencers byemail or social media● Requests rates, and negotiate with influencers● Drafts contracts, plan timeline● Arrange relatedpayments] 3. Other Important Tasks ● Edits and posts 20 blog articles a week (10 for PC, 10 for Shopper+)● Translates every Tuesday for weekly ● Proofreads daily Basecamp postings, and quarterly newsletter● Postsdeals everysecond day on Google businesses 4. Other assignments by its immediate supervisor Qualifications: 1. Knowledge ● Bachelordegree, major in Marketing or e-commerce is preferred● 1-2 years experience inmarketing roles● Good knowledge ofsocial media platforms 2.Competence● Excellentcommunication skill both verbal and written in English & French, speakingMandarin is a plus ● Goodorganizational and time management skills● Computerliterate esp. good at PPT/Word/Excel 3.Others● Senseof responsibility● TeamPlayer Please send your updated resume to: job@shopperplus.com
最后发表: shopper+@ 2022-10-12 15:49 751 0 2022-10-12
汇枫文化教育 [招聘·企业相关] 汇枫集团诚聘移民顾问和移民文案 attach_img
汇枫集团总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,拥有政府专业资格认证, 始终专注于留学移民,海外教育,投资置业等专业领域。 现诚聘移民顾问和文案 公司工作环境好,老板和蔼,同事亲切,福利多,快来加入我们吧~ 有意者请您将简历发送至convergemaple@gmail.com, 也可以扫描海报下方二维码了解更多信息,谢谢!
最后发表: 汇枫文化教育@ 2022-10-12 15:12 600 0 2022-10-12

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