热搜: 房产 留学 医疗
KkKKkKkkkk [招聘·企业相关] 食品厂招聘包装工人
负责视频的包装和质检工作 联系维系;EAAL23
最后发表: 阿燕@ 2024-1-11 21:32 357 1 2024-1-10
Kevinlee89 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 招聘厨师一名 agree
招聘厨师一名 要求: 1.一年以上工作经验。最好有英文基本沟通能力和能听懂广东。 2.全职工 3.18刀/小时起,支票工 有意请联系:李先生 5147581522
最后发表: tianshiml7788@ 2024-1-11 20:15 1011 1 2021-6-17
JulieWu [招聘·各类家政] 招聘半住家或者住家保姆 新人帖 agree
住在NDG,需要一个保姆阿姨会做家务,做饭,有时能看一下小宝宝,能住家最好,工资面议,有意者请拨打电话 5147798883 周先生
最后发表: tianshiml0916@ 2024-1-11 20:08 1599 6 2017-1-19
mjxbosco [招聘·各类家教] 求英语外教 agree
最后发表: qazwsx3330@ 2024-1-11 20:06 1091 2 2017-6-1
Montreal456 [招聘·企业相关] 法语老师一对一课程辅导(晚上和周末) 新人帖 agree
法语老师利用周末和晚上提供一对一辅导课程。 可以帮助学生梳理达到B2水平所用到的语法和基本知识点,夯实基础。 也可以根据学生法语水平,提供应对CSQ面试和TEFAQ考试的最佳方案。 电话:4382381127(座机,无人接听时可发邮件) 邮箱:montreal456@outlook.com
最后发表: tianshiml1230@ 2024-1-11 17:57 794 3 2017-4-15
Recruitmenttnt [招聘·企业相关] 【大統華】蒙特利爾旗艦店 1/11 Update attach_img agree
在蒙城的你,如果还在为了找到一份称心合意且员工福利待遇好的工作而头疼。不妨朝这里投一份简历。这里不仅有弹性的工作时间,安全舒适的工作环境。还有以人为本的公司文化,富含东方文化特色的福利。没错,这里就是加拿大最大的亚洲连锁超级市场 大统华T&T Supermarket!蒙城旗艦店!地址:300 Av. Sainte-Croix, Saint-Laurent, QC H4N 3K4員工福利、晉升空間 我們这里不仅有完善的福利机制 医疗保险,包括牙医和买药(全职) 人寿及意外死亡和伤残保险 员工购物折扣优惠 带薪年假/病假 员工餐优惠 聯係我們 关注我们 招聘熱線1-844773-2723招聘郵箱recruitment_QC@tntsupermarket.com招聘微信tntinquebec 关于大统华超市 大统华超市(T&T Supermarkets)是加拿大最大的亚洲连锁超市品牌,于1993年成立于加拿大卑诗省温哥华. 大统华由第二代继承人兼首席执行官李佩婷(Tina Lee)领导,为顾客提供各种丰富多样的生鲜食品、肉类、新鲜水产、亚洲包装食品、时尚厨具和亚洲特色礼品。同时,大统华在店内还设有统华小厨和烘培坊。2009年,大统华加入了Loblaw Companies Limited集团。
最后发表: eruifdjkk123@ 2024-1-11 16:44 596 1 2024-1-11
Jolie-Liu [招聘·其它] 招聘按摩师无经验可培训
高端理疗工作室因业务繁忙,本工作室环境舒适优雅,干净整洁,提供wifi,零食,饮料,工作氛围轻松,同事友善,地理位置优越,地铁站Namur 步行5分钟和地铁站 Mont Royal 期待你的加入。 诚聘按摩理疗师,要求会简单的英法语25 +高小费 适合留学生,新移民过度初来加国生活。有经验者优先,没有相关经验可接受带薪培训后上岗。工资日结,期待你的加入。 真实工作环境如图所示。谢谢 电话438 927 6377 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240111/1705002282375010819.jpg
最后发表: Jolie-Liu@ 2024-1-11 15:42 446 0 2024-1-11
瑞鹤仙 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 糖记甜品招聘烘焙师/店员
目前新店筹备中,如果你喜欢一个温馨的工作环境,又喜欢烘焙事业,这份工作很合适你,欢迎加入我们这个大家庭 工作时间: 每星期工作5-6天,需轮休,每天8小时(上午9时30分至晚上5时30分),含1小时饭钟,职责: 看炉,制作甜点、包装及清洁,我们会提供培训,要求: 细心,有责任感,勤快,有礼貌,有一年相关经验或受过相关训练优先.联系电话:5144538110
最后发表: 瑞鹤仙@ 2024-1-11 14:54 308 0 2024-1-11
ca7777777 [招聘·企业相关] 2024 P站的新IT 编辑岗位
Confiance et sécurité / Trust & Safety​Technical SEO AuditorMontréal, Quebec Personnel, talent, culture/ People, talent, culture​Communication and Social Media Specialist Montréal, Quebec Communications and Translation Specialist Montréal, Quebec Communications & Social Media Content CreatorMontréal, Quebec Internal Corporate Communication Specialist Montréal, Quebec Learning & Development SpecialistMontréal, Quebec Service juridique/ Legal​Director, Legal Services Montréal, Quebec Ingénierie/ Engineering​GO - Senior Developer Montréal, Quebec Lead SQL Server Developer - Data Warehouse Services Montréal, Quebec Sr. Software Developer I - Video Sharing Platforms Montréal, Quebec Jeux/ Games​Marketplace , produits et opérations/ Marketplace products & operations​Normes de contenu et conformité/ Content standards and compliance​Content & Performer Compliance Analyst Montréal, Quebec Plateforme de partage vidéo, produits et opérations/ Video sharing platform, products & operations​Content Partner Account RepresentativeMontréal, Quebec Sr. Product Manager - Content Creator Experience Montréal, Quebec Publicité, produits et opérations/ Ads, products & operations​Product Manager - Content Creators JourneyMontréal, Quebec
最后发表: ca7777777@ 2024-1-11 13:55 426 0 2024-1-11
KkKKkKkkkk [招聘·企业相关] 食品厂招聘包装工人
负责食品包装,质检工作 应聘微信:EAAL23
最后发表: KkKKkKkkkk@ 2024-1-11 13:26 265 0 2024-1-11
gghaifen [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 餐厅请人
餐厅请 帮厨 清洁工,洗碗工,具有合法的身份。 会说普通话, 有过餐馆相关工作经验者优先,无经验者也可学习。 电话:6049019766
最后发表: gghaifen@ 2024-1-11 12:45 240 0 2024-1-9
joycekairos [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 杂碎餐馆招聘熟手炉头和帮厨
杂碎餐馆招聘熟手炉头以及帮厨 炉头需要熟手,无任何语言要求 帮厨负责切菜,包云吞,春卷,砍排骨等 有员工宿舍提供,最好男性 会讲广东话者优先!!! 如有兴趣请短信至5145863891 谢谢
最后发表: joycekairos@ 2024-1-11 12:44 215 0 2024-1-11
gghaifen [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 餐厅请人
餐厅请 帮厨 清洁工,洗碗工,具有合法的身份。 会说普通话, 有过餐馆相关工作经验者优先,无经验者也可学习。 电话:6049019766
最后发表: gghaifen@ 2024-1-11 12:39 222 0 2024-1-11
开心的自我 [招聘·企业相关] 超市招聘员工
超市招聘收银员,理货员,要求身体健康,为人诚实,工作积极,收银员要会简单的电脑操作,解答客户的提问,提供微笑服务,有无经验均可(能够简单的用英法语交流) 联系电话:438794009
最后发表: 开心的自我@ 2024-1-11 12:19 218 0 2024-1-11
枫叶秋红 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 奶茶店招聘
1.吧台区负责点单、出杯 2.按照饮品制作流程,熟练制作符合标准的饮品。 3.打扫店内日常卫生, 电话:5146007822
最后发表: 枫叶秋红@ 2024-1-11 11:54 247 0 2024-1-11
还有明天 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 甜品店诚聘
目前新店筹备中,如果你喜欢一个温馨的工作环境,又喜欢烘焙事业,这份工作很合适你,欢迎加入我们这个大家庭 工作时间: 每星期工作5-6天,需轮休,每天8小时(上午9时30分至晚上5时30分),含1小时饭钟。 职责: 看炉,制作甜点、包装及清洁,我们会提供培训。 要求: 细心,有责任感,勤快,有礼貌,有一年相关经验或受过相关训练优先 联系电话:4382392903
最后发表: 还有明天@ 2024-1-11 11:38 238 0 2024-1-11
新枫向HR [招聘·企业相关] 蒙特利尔知名华人留学移民机构——新枫向留学移民团队纳新啦 - 移民文案专员❗️❗️ attach_img
新枫向留学移民公司(New Direction Canada Inc.),是在加拿大魁北克省移民(Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration)及教育(Ministry of Education)主管单位备案并受其监管,聘请具有加拿大移民顾问协会(Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants)持牌移民顾问,专业从事加拿大院校申请咨询业务,以及留学生学习生活相关配套业务的教育机构。机构总部位于魁北克省蒙特利尔市。 招聘岗位: 一、留学移民文案专员 工作职责 1-保持与客户沟通,对材料进行分类整理。全面配合签约客户准备并撰写全套申请材料。 2-协助营销团队各项协调沟通,配合文案部各项工作的推进与完成。 3-维护与客户的良好关系,维护客户的满意度和企业美誉度。 岗位要求: 1-严格遵守公司的道德规范和行为准则,为客户提供一流的服务。 2-较强的沟通能力和解难能力 3-认真细致,工作热情主动,有耐心,良好的团队合作精神。 4-有责任心和进取心,工作细致严谨。 5-学历要求:本科、硕士在读或本科以上学历(含本科)。 6-语言要求:流利中文, 英语或法语只少一门精通。欢迎应届毕业生投递申请。 求职材料:1. 简历2. 应聘概述(请在标题上方写明应聘岗位)有意者请在下方扫码添加微信招聘号, 或请将简历发送至hr@newdcanada.com
最后发表: 新枫向HR@ 2024-1-11 10:54 302 0 2024-1-11
aiklo612 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 南岸 saint-hubert sushishop 请收银
南岸saint-hubert sushishop 请收银员,要求法语流利,工作认真。支票工,小费日结。 请联系514-9241912
最后发表: aiklo612@ 2024-1-11 10:45 315 0 2024-1-11
加國媚 [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 請寿司
最后发表: 加國媚@ 2024-1-11 10:40 383 0 2024-1-4
JPHR [招聘·餐饮/服务业] 市場部經理
Director of Sales & Marketing Jessica Pastries Inc. is currently recruiting a Director of Sales & Marketing who will shape and direct the marketing strategies and activities for the firm. [*]The candidate will be data-driven and have a mixed-disciplined marketing function. [*]Responsibilities across several key areas including but not limited to digital platforms, email & content marketing and CRM. [*]A keen eye for technical excellence and a firm understanding of customer/client led approaches to deliver best in class experiences. The Sales & Marketing Director will be responsible for managing all aspects of marketing, coordination, communication and logistics for all Jessica Pastries Inc. activities. The candidate will also be responsible for executing the company’s overall marketing strategy to drive brand affinity and awareness. This hire will be pivotal in achieving ambitious growth. This is a unique opportunity to be a core member of an award-winning team and organisation that is creating a lasting impact on agriculture, food production and the systems of our future. The Director of Sales & Marketing is responsible to participate in implementing the mission of Jessica Pastries : “Creating happiness with unique delicious desserts while adopting eco-responsible practices” The director must ensure that the values of the company are known and lived by : Happiness, Quality, Teamwork, Respect and Accountability. The Sales & Marketing Team is strongly linked to the realisation of our Sustainable development commitments. More specifically : Happiness (Customers, Collectivity), Quality culture, Lesser complaints, Big leap in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and integrating ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) in dashboard. RESPONSIBILITIES [*]Evaluate, develop, and communicate the marketing strategy and marketing plan. [*]Create content for website, outbound marketing campaigns, blogs and press releases [*]Write, schedule & publish social media posts to grow & engage followers and engagement [*]Conduct research into the demand for our products and services along with competitors [*]Take an analytical approach to marketing spend and have the ability to present findings clearly [*]Track, measure, and report campaign performance against key business drivers [*]Analyse performance of social media accounts by utilising Google Analytics [*]Continually evaluate the conversion funnel and recommend product / platform improvements Liaise and negotiate with vendors (Catering, print, signage etc.) [*]Handle all event logistics [*]Coordinate panel participants, prep calls, briefing documents [*]Coordinate event agenda’s & event flow SKILLS & Requirements [*]Bilingual (French/English) We will give preference to French speakers. [*]Proficiency in social media (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin...) [*]Shooting samples and videos. [*]Experience in strategic planning and execution – a keen ability to operate at a high level strategically with the energy to ‘roll up the sleeves’ and ensure that the marketing plans are successfully implemented [*]Exceptional organisational skills [*]Proven ability to build relationships across a number of stakeholders including sales, subject matter experts and services [*]Exceptional project management skills, including the ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously [*]Self-starter with strong initiative and work ethic [*]Experience optimising growth channels [*]Demonstrable track record of growth campaigns [*]Excellent attention to detail [*]Outstanding written and verbal communication skills [*]Passion for innovation, entrepreneurship, AgTech and food tech [*]Ability to multitask and work effectively within a team [*]Degree in Business Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Communications or Hospitality This Full Time position is located in St-Hubert ,QC Please send your CV to HR department : violahjp@gmail.com
最后发表: JPHR@ 2024-1-11 10:32 366 0 2024-1-11

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