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    今日:16| 主题:9949
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laviemontreal [拼车] 2.12mont tremblant到蒙特利尔 带人带物 有需要请联系
2.12mont tremblant到蒙特利尔 带人带物 有需要请联系4388246645
最后发表: laviemontreal@ 2023-2-10 13:26 1170 12 2023-1-10
Edwardhfc [拼车] 周日二月12号翠湖Tremblant滑雪
早出晚归 市区出发 30一位
最后发表: Edwardhfc@ 2023-2-9 23:18 669 0 2023-2-9
Silvana、 [拼车] 2.10/2.11 多伦多-蒙特利尔 宝马顺风车 联系4384933098
2.10 下午6点/2.11 早9-10点 联系4384933098
最后发表: Silvana、@ 2023-2-9 22:22 603 0 2023-2-9
老白 [拼车] 2月17号蒙特利尔——多伦多皮尔逊国际机场双向拚车,包车带货
5149695118 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230130/167512973452274_455.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230130/1675129734527821_744.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230130/167512973452996_564.jpg
最后发表: 老白@ 2023-2-9 19:18 869 4 2023-1-30
Silvana、 [拼车] 2.9/2.10/2.11 多伦多-蒙特利尔顺风车 联系4384933098
可任选一天出发 宝马 可带3-4人 需要联系4384933988
最后发表: Silvana、@ 2023-2-9 16:31 716 2 2023-2-8
sam620026 [拼车] 渥太华——>蒙特利尔顺风车
渥太华➡️蒙特利尔 顺风车 2023-02-13 周一 10:40 使用车辆:五座丰田RAV4 有效座位:只带2人 每人价格:20$ 有需要的朋友可以下载app:azcarpool预定座位。 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230209/1675939789404520770.jpg
最后发表: sam620026@ 2023-2-9 06:49 685 0 2023-2-9
Silvana、 [带物] 2.8-2.11 任选一天出发 多伦多-蒙特利尔 联系4384933098
工作日下午6点出发/周六早9-10点出发 士嘉堡towncenter 到蒙特利尔市中心 联系4384933988 可带人待物包车带宠物
最后发表: Silvana、@ 2023-2-8 23:36 876 7 2023-1-31
Lydia南山 [拼车] 2月17号中午出发去多伦多约翰百赛特剧院 新人帖
最后发表: Lydia南山@ 2023-2-8 16:05 800 1 2023-2-8
Silvana、 [拼车] 2.8-2.11 任选一天出发 多伦多-蒙特利尔 宝马顺风车 联系4384933098
工作日下午6点出发/周六早9-10点出发 士嘉堡towncenter 到蒙特利尔市中心 联系4384933988 可带人待物包车带宠物
最后发表: Silvana、@ 2023-2-8 09:48 1145 19 2023-1-31
huangmoonsun [拼车] Toronto (Thursday) <<-->> Montreal (Friday) 新人帖
1). From Toronto, Scarborough Town Center / Don Mill station (Thursday, Feb. 9) 5:45 PM -->> to Montreal, Cote Vertu Metro / West island, Oct. $60.00. 2). From Montreal, Cote Vertu Metro / West island, (Friday, Feb. 10) 5:30 PM --->> to Toronto, Scarborough Town Center / Don Mill station, $60.00. 5-year experienced rideshare / Carpool offer between Montreal and Toronto every week. Toyota 2015, Blue-Black. Cell: 416-857-9588 Sundy
最后发表: huangmoonsun@ 2023-2-7 13:52 595 0 2023-2-7
Call [拼车] 求3月14号下午去多伦多的车
最后发表: Call@ 2023-2-7 13:28 763 0 2023-2-7
mchtaye [拼车] 小王24小时接送机、包车,边境、搬家、家具组装拆卸、奥莱、宜家、costco,多伦多,渥太华,魁北克城,等长短途旅游用车。全新顶配丰田塞纳,电话号码 5145810090,v:13062624707 heatlevel  ...23456..52
小王24小时接送机、包车,边境、搬家、家具组装拆卸、奥莱、宜家、costco,多伦多,渥太华,魁北克城,等长短途旅游用车。全新顶配丰田塞纳,电话号码 5145810090,v:13062624707 http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211116/1637094509563828_324.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211116/1637094509576529_118.jpg
最后发表: Hongxin@ 2023-2-6 21:06 27732 1037 2021-11-16
daphne [带物] 回国可带文件
最后发表: daphne@ 2023-2-6 19:45 672 0 2023-2-6
rebechan [带物] 最近有没有蒙城回国的有偿带物
一个Dyson吹风机,不带盒子。500g左右 价格私聊 多谢啦
最后发表: rebechan@ 2023-2-6 01:32 719 0 2023-2-6
forestlu [拼车] 2月下旬 蒙特利尔-纽约 双向拼车 带人带物
2月22-26之间,蒙特利尔-纽约,双向拼车包车。 时间灵活可以商量。 5149940278
最后发表: forestlu@ 2023-2-5 19:34 687 0 2023-2-5
噶橙子 [拼车] Belmont滑雪周一到周五,两人求车
有下周一到周五白天去bromont 的车吗,Longueuil 有了两个人想拼车http://miniapp.mengchenghui.com/public/emotion/face_001.pnghttp://miniapp.mengchenghui.com/public/emotion/face_019.png
最后发表: 噶橙子@ 2023-2-4 22:56 679 0 2023-2-4
zhcww88 [带物] 已回
最后发表: zhcww88@ 2023-2-3 15:10 785 0 2023-2-3
老白 [拼车] 2月3号蒙特利尔——多伦多提供各种包车拼车服务
5 1 4 9 6 9 5 1 1 8 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230117/1673988768018753_329.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230117/1673988792059181_562.jpg
最后发表: 老白@ 2023-1-31 13:20 981 10 2023-1-17
archangelcs [拼车] 2月1日边境换工签
30刀/人 10点出发 单程1h McGill/Concordia地铁站集合 边境换工签的优点是当场出结果 边境工作时间:12:00-19:00 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230131/1675184550547156472.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230131/1675184757501439929.jpg
最后发表: archangelcs@ 2023-1-31 13:07 789 1 2023-1-31
Lisen2020 [带物] China to Canada by air, express, logistics transportation line heatlevel  ...2
Canadian air, sea - door to door SA Shipping Bulk Cargo door to door Convenient operation and process, save money, time and worry TDE PROCESS IS CONVENIENT ,LET YOU WORRY AND EFFORT Visible: the operation team of industry quality has gone through standardized operation training and professional skill appraisal, refined and assessed; One-stop service, no worries; Please provide detailed picture of the goods, use, name, volume, weight, material, value, consignee address, we will give you a real-time quotation; The operation process is handled by us: picking up goods → booking space → loading → preparing customs clearance → clearing documents for T customs → customs declaration and inspection → export → destination customs clearance → free delivery to the door; Provide you with goods tracking throughout the process. You can contact us through whatsapp, Wechat, line, QQ, email and so on. We will reply you as soon as possible. Please provide us with your email address. We will send you a file and customer code. Clarify this 1. We don't charge any extra charges except freight 2. Packaging materials (express bags, cartons, etc.) are provided free of charge 3. Provide purchase, free collection, free storage time of 14 days shunshida international logistics co.LTD Zhi-sheng zhang lisen MOB:13430931832 Email: 13430931832@163.com Wechat:13430931832 QQ: 2015474718 Stop 101, 7th Street, Pengxi Street, Lianbian, Helong Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou (50 meters in front of Linshang Center) Cargo safety, you feel at ease, we rest assured THE GOODS SATETY 1. Many years of international freight forwarder experience, combined with comprehensive warehouse complete set of high-tech equipment hardware and software facilities; 2. The whole logistics team monitored the packaging status of goods, found problems in time and solved problems; Air plus delivery is a special line service specially developed by our company for sellers: express customs clearance + express delivery. Air Canada dispatch line to Europe, the United States, Canada to provide the head of the service. Cover us, Canada, Japan, Britain, Italy, Germany, France and Spain warehouses. Reference time limit: 7~10 working days in Europe, 6~9 working days in Canada. Preferential price: preferential export price for air freight to Canada Service in place: 24 hours of one-stop service, from picking up goods, packaging, customs clearance, commodity inspection, warehousing, port of destination customs clearance, customs, door-to-door delivery and other all-round export services.
最后发表: Lisen2020@ 2023-1-30 22:35 3410 38 2021-10-18
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