[其它类] 什么?!不移民,孩子照样能享受加拿大免费教育?
早在2013年2月,加拿大联邦政府就出台了学费免除政策,在加拿大留学的任何国籍的国际留学生,只要就读大专、本科、硕士、或者研究生文凭等专上课程(Post-secondary program)(也包含为了满足专业课程在公立学院而进行的英语培训ESL/EAP等),其子女即可获批陪同到加拿大读书,并享受加拿大小学至高中的免费义务教育。在2013年12月,加拿大联邦政府对该政策做出了拓展,家长在作为留学生身份获准毕业并获得工签后,子女仍可享受免费义务教育至高中毕业。这就是你不可不知的秘密,既满足父母陪读的目的,又无需每半年出境一次,只要父母一方在加拿大读书,子女就可以享受免费义务教育。 根据联邦移民法规定的:
IRPA 30(2) 任何未成年小孩,除非是不允许被工作和学习的临时居民的小孩,有权在幼儿园、小学或中学就读。Every minor child in Canada, other than a child of a temporary resident not authorized to work or study, is authorized to study at the pre-school, primary or secondary level. 因此小孩读书是国际人权公约规定的基本权利,加拿大在这种讲人权的事务上从来不会落后。所以移民法直接赋予小孩这样的权利,他们甚至都不需要根据移民规程(IRPR)的有关规定申请学习许可。当然,虽然可以读书,但是移民法也没有规定这些小孩可以免费读书。事实上,移民法并没有权利这么做,因为上学要不要钱,是省政府说了算的。下面就以华人最多的安省和BC省为例:以安大略教育法(Education Act)为例,有非常详细的规定如下:(7) A board shall not charge a fee to,教育局不得收取费用包括,(e) a person if his or her parent or someone else with lawful custody of him or her is in Canada,如果他或她的父母或其他人有合法的监护权,他或她是在加拿大,(i) under a work permit or awaiting the determination of an application for a work permit under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada),拥有工作许可,或者等待在移民和难民保护法之下(加拿大)的工作许可申请(iv) in accordance with authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to study in Canada and is a full-time student at a university, college or institution in Ontario, including an institution that is an affiliate or federated institution of a university or college, that receives operating grants from the Government of Ontario(四)根据移民和难民保护法(加拿大)在加拿大学习的授权,作为安大略的大学、学院或机构的全日制学生,包括大学的附属机构或联合机构和接受安大略政府的资助的机构的全日制学生同样,BC省学校法(School Act)也有如下条文:82 (1) A board must provide free of charge to every student of school age resident in British Columbia and enrolled in an educational program in a school operated by the board,
82 (1) 教育局必须向BC省的每一名适龄学生提供免费的、由教育局经营的学校的教育项目。(a) instruction in an educational program sufficient to meet the general requirements for graduation,(a) 有足够的教育课程的教学,以满足一般的毕业要求,(b) instruction in an educational program after the student has met the general requirements for graduation, and(b) 教育计划的教学后,学生已符合毕业一般要求(c) educational resource materials necessary to participate in the educational program.(c) 参加教育计划所需的教育资源材料。(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a student is resident in British Columbia if the student and the student’s guardian are ordinarily resident in British Columbia.(2) 就第(1)条而言,如果学生和学生的监护人是BC省的普通居民,那么学生可以作为BC省居民法律本身没有定义ordinarily resident(普通居民),但是省政府定义了学签和工签持有人的小孩都是符合的:A student who is in British Columbia with his or her guardian if the guardian meets one of the criteria set out below. Guardians must be able to provide documentation to substantiate that they meet these criteria:
has been lawfully admitted to Canada for temporary residence and is authorized to work for a period of one year or more, and is or will be employed for at least 20 hours per week;
has been lawfully admitted to Canada and is authorized to study for a period of one year or more, and is enrolled in a degree or diploma programme at a public post-secondary institution in British Columbia or in a degree programme at a private post-secondary institution in British Columbia....has been lawfully admitted to Canada and is participating in an educator exchange program with a public school in British Columbia.is carrying out official duties under the authority of the Visiting Forces Act or as an accredited diplomatic agent, preclearance officer, consular officer or official representative in Canada of a foreign government with a consular post in British Columbia. 魁省同样允许留学生或者持有工签者的小孩免费读书,而且可以选择法语或者英语的学校入读。但是,移民后就只能选择法语学校了,为什么呢?那是另外一个故事了~
2018-7-16 16:04