热搜: 房产 留学 医疗
科利华 [宠物相关] 小巴哥寄养 新人帖
最后发表: 科利华@ 2023-12-17 19:55 181 0 2023-12-17
concordR [宠物相关] 特大惊喜价:Costco热销产品 - 宠物智能自动清理猫砂盆 新人帖 attach_img
圣诞新年大放送!协和集团旗下的ConcordRobots在这个欢乐的季节,为我们的华人朋友带来了一份特别的礼遇! 协和特供Costco热销产品 "ELS Pet Smart Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box"(ELS宠物智能自动清理猫砂盆)—— 这可是猫主人们的圣诞礼物首选!现在每台减100加元,享受特别的折扣优惠,为您的猫咪带来温馨的节日体验。 精选的圣诞元素点缀这款自动清理猫砂盆,为您的家庭带来更多欢笑和温暖。这不仅是一款智能猫砂盆,更是送给您和爱宠的圣诞祝福! 解放双手,摆脱 "铲屎官" 的身份,迎接一个轻松又愉快的假期时光。让我们一起开启您和猫咪的智能生活吧! 欢迎通过电话或微信咨询,亲临我们的门店购买更有圣诞礼物相送。千万别错过这个让您和爱宠都开心的特别时刻! 电话咨询:1-844-802-8188 地址:Suite R06, 1111 Rue Saint-Urbain, Montreal, QC, H2Z 1Y6
最后发表: concordR@ 2023-12-11 11:24 289 0 2023-12-11
规划自己 [宠物相关] 布偶猫寻找家庭寄养 attach_img
本人因为工作原因要出差一段时间,家里布偶猫,需要有人照顾一段时间,薪资:150/天 ,主要是经常带着他出去遛达,给他做食物,照顾好他、猫猫的生活费另外算.联系方式vx:pingji698或者电话:8077006359
最后发表: 规划自己@ 2023-10-24 11:15 438 0 2023-10-24
摇了摇头 [宠物相关] 家里的小贵宾找男朋友
电话 5146607558
最后发表: 摇了摇头@ 2023-10-14 13:55 387 1 2023-10-13
渊博 [宠物相关] 提供downtown上门喂养 新人帖
具体信息如图,欢迎发短信咨询:8736881799 或者加微信:15922066910 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230930/1696112121160774443.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230930/1696112121373729224.jpg
最后发表: 渊博@ 2023-9-30 18:16 365 0 2023-9-30
水天一色 [宠物相关] 吉娃娃小奶狗
$1200一只开始接受预订,5146995533 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/video/20230618/1687120088498694878.mp4
最后发表: 水天一色@ 2023-6-18 16:28 664 0 2023-6-18
zaizaipet [宠物相关] 蒙特利尔【宠物零食】来啦! 新人帖 attach_img
猫猫狗狗的产品都有!还在持续上新!满$199包邮,有拼邮群,需要请vx联系: Zaizai_petshop
最后发表: superbdingqi@ 2023-8-22 15:25 1151 1 2023-6-10
189love37 [宠物相关] 有偿带猫咪回国!紧急!
有没有小伙伴三月底四月加航回国的?并且愿意带我的猫咪登机的[皱眉R] 我愿意分担一半的机票钱
最后发表: 189love37@ 2023-3-10 14:47 920 0 2023-3-10
overseasmoney99 [宠物相关] New rescue global animals overseas UK chinese donation association 2022-2023 新人帖
New rescue global animals overseas UK chinese donation association 2022-2023. if you want to help and support us to save and rescue and support the global animal around the world, welcome send us support donation by Paypal to support us in any global city, we need your financial helping and supporting! you can send us your financial support by paypal from your current city around the world and we are helping and saving and rescuing for the global animals over 150 countries and cities in everyday around the world , actually we need your financial help and support and we are helping those animals mainly are not only cat and dog only and including many different types of other animals from the world. our Paypal mail : gloriachan1972@sina.com p.s. thank you for support us no matter how much you send us that will help us really for the global animal rescuing and saving and our headquarter is in UK London where is nearby high street station or near holiday inn London now.You can support(send)us how much you want such as from $100 USD to $5000 USD by Paypal that is also ok no problem at all and up to you casually! For example, you can pay us firstly in 100 USD or 300 or 800 or 1000 or 1500 or 2000 or 3000 or even more and up to you or determined at all by your favorite choice amount. When you use your Paypal account then just enter our Paypal mail and enter your support donation amount that is ok then we can pick up by Paypal very soon. Finally thank you very much help and support donation to us from overseas chinese people and different foreigners around the world who come from different countries in everyday and day by day too.There are so many innocent animals around the world to be rescued or helped even get a new reborn life really by your remote economic and financial supporting.
最后发表: overseasmoney99@ 2022-10-4 12:16 705 0 2022-10-4
吃可爱长大的you [宠物相关] 英短金渐层
最后发表: 吃可爱长大的you@ 2022-9-6 22:55 661 0 2022-9-6
alilili [宠物相关] 两只小猫 attach_img
可以马上领回家。 V: columbusmrm
最后发表: alilili@ 2022-8-5 21:50 954 0 2022-8-5
ki仔软绵绵 [宠物相关] 宠物家庭寄养 经验丰富
长短期都可以 价格可议 短信联系4388361565
最后发表: 随便起一个@ 2022-8-21 10:29 1093 5 2022-8-1
alilili [宠物相关] 两只金渐层小猫 新人帖 attach_img
还有一个月可以回家,都是弟弟。具体WX columbusmrm forum.php?mod=image&aid=3033377&size=300x300&key=ff2c0e088a408cfd&nocache=yes&type=fixnoneforum.php?mod=image&aid=3033378&size=300x300&key=878201331e0da55e&nocache=yes&type=fixnoneforum.php?mod=image&aid=3033379&size=300x300&key=8e1f4f2481822699&nocache=yes&type=fixnone
最后发表: alilili@ 2022-6-16 22:07 1223 2 2022-6-15
酒剑仙 [宠物相关] 给家里的拉布拉多母犬找个对象
有朋友家有同品种优质公犬可以联系一下 5146329557 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220529/1653835238599759_216.jpg
最后发表: 萌萌canada@ 2023-2-5 13:07 1388 2 2022-5-29
咫尺天涯 [宠物相关] 2个月柯基宝宝找新家
2个多月柯基宝宝找爱动物的新家(非诚勿扰) https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220513/1652475744121942426.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220513/1652475744124954520.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220513/1652475744139777224.jpg
最后发表: 咫尺天涯@ 2022-9-26 00:06 844 0 2022-5-13
7HnJo [宠物相关] 灰文鸟
本人出售灰色文鸟3只 21年11月出生 现已断奶 可手养,微微怕人 如有需要请私信我,谢谢 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220317/1647563696469355608.jpg
最后发表: 7HnJo@ 2022-6-29 12:46 984 1 2022-3-17
Silence001 [宠物相关] 寄养狗狗 新人帖
由于本人2月底需要回国一趟,有一只萨摩耶狗狗目前无人照看,现急需一位同城的爱心人士帮忙照看。(有偿照看) 有意者可添加我的微信详谈:linran008001 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220129/1643466011437648103.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220129/1643466011453478378.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220129/1643466011454680863.jpg
最后发表: Silence001@ 2022-2-8 02:10 1110 2 2022-1-29
2azgo0zrq [宠物相关] Q-微 659*625*697|办|理|毕|业|正|成|绩|单| attach_img
Q-微 659*625*697|办|理|毕|业|正|成|绩|单|
最后发表: 2azgo0zrq@ 2021-12-1 23:02 1060 0 2021-12-1
ec8lxb4sn [宠物相关] Q-微 659*625*697|办|理|毕|业|正|成|绩|单| attach_img
Q-微 659*625*697|办|理|毕|业|正|成|绩|单|
最后发表: ec8lxb4sn@ 2021-11-20 01:20 1419 0 2021-11-20
suzhouning [宠物相关] 水仙花 多肉来袭
大棚位于安省和魁北克交界处 主营多肉植物 现在有水仙现货出售 加我进群买多肉和水仙花 http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600917530226448.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600917534741119.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600918228799465.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600918933397141.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600919579829930.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600920252265548.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600920310205396.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600920368188972.jpg http://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20211110/1636600920441037890.jpg
最后发表: suzhouning@ 2021-11-10 23:22 851 0 2021-11-10
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